The Light That I Love | Teen Ink

The Light That I Love

June 10, 2013
By Savannah Plymale BRONZE, Wilsonville, Oregon
Savannah Plymale BRONZE, Wilsonville, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The light that I love

With the blue sky laying down the love,
The comfort of the warmth brings the passion,
As the heat of the rays shines the worry.

The brightness of the rays burn the worry.
I can feel the warmth of the burning orange colored love,
It brings out the energy with great passion.

As the waves wrap around, the light comes out beaming with passion.
With how bright the light is, it shines out the sky causing the worry.
It’s my favorite part of the day, when it comes out, the light that I love.

I look forward to coming out of the bubble holding us in causing such worry, to walk into a place creating such passion that I love, my biggest joy ever is the sun.

The author's comments:
It's about the Sun and how I relate to it.

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