Silence | Teen Ink


September 15, 2008
By booklover618 GOLD, Harlingen, Texas
booklover618 GOLD, Harlingen, Texas
10 articles 0 photos 6 comments

A cool mist hovered over the lawn. The house was asleep but for one memeber. She leaned against the windowsill, a dreamy look on her face. A noise startled her. Her love stood behind a tall oak, awaiting her. Silently, she snuck downstairs and onto the lawn. Hand in hand they wandered through the fields. They rested beneath a willow, its branches hiding their existence. Her love carved their names in the willow, promising to be hers forever. They stayed in their own world until the first rays of light. She snuck back into the house and into her room. Another day had begun where they pretended they weren't in love.


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