Teardrops | Teen Ink


June 3, 2013
By darkdragon46 BRONZE, Sugar Land, Texas
darkdragon46 BRONZE, Sugar Land, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them." --Albert Einstein

Why? I couldn’t believe it. I still can’t believe it. My only chance at a life was here. Texas. And that was taken away from me. The shock of it, the surprise, and the fact that it was so sudden, amounted to my depression.

I couldn’t even reach my friends from school, to say goodbye, to just look at them one more time, or a gift as a memory of my life here in Texas. My 12-year long life in Texas. 12 years of memories, all built up with friends and family, all taken away from me in an instant.

I single tear dripped from my eye, and I didn’t even bother to wipe it away. My last tear in Texas, before I move away to another state. To another place, with different skies. Skies that I would have never seen before.

People say the sky isn’t so different. They ask, isn’t the sky the same wherever you go? But I know they are. The sky in Texas has been looked at thousands of times, by me, by my family, by my friends. Each of them have contributed to this sky. This sky. The sky I am about to leave for another new one.

My last tear...

The author's comments:
I know a friend who is moving next year, and it made me want to write a story on the emotions of someone who has to move and leave everything they knew, all their memories.

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