The Characters in the Percy Jackson and The Olympians | Teen Ink

The Characters in the Percy Jackson and The Olympians

February 27, 2013
By Amanda_Hardie89 BRONZE, Dartmouth, Other
Amanda_Hardie89 BRONZE, Dartmouth, Other
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man.
Lana Turner

I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade... And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party.
Ron White

Percy Jackson
Full name: Perseus “Percy” Jackson
Gender: Male
Birth date: August 18
Age: 16 (as of 'the last Olympian')
Eye colour: Sea Green (like his dad)
Hair colour: Black
Height: 6'0
Family: Mother: Sally Jackson

Father: Poseidon

Step-Father #1: Gabe Ugliano

Step-Father #2: Paul Blofis

Half-Brother: Tyson

Species: Demigod
Home: Camp Half-Blood

Camp Jupiter (as of 'the son of Neptune')

New York
Fatal Flaw: Personal Loyalty
'Disability's': ADHD


Percy Jackson is the son of Poseidon, the god of the sea.
Percy was 12 years old when he found out that he was a Demigod or Half-Blood, when he defeated the Minotaur. Percy has been to the Underworld to talk to Hades, 2 times.

Percy has also been to Mount Olympus, umm..... a lot of times. The first time Percy was at Mount Olympus was when Zeus thought Percy stole his Masters Bolt and Percy returned it, but Luke really stole it, not Percy.

In `the Titans Curse`, Percy had to hold the sky, taking it off the hands of Artemis. Afterwards Percy had a streak of Gray hair, to represent the strain of holding the sky.

Percy's friends are: Grover, a satyr

Annabeth, another demigod/girlfriend

Tyson, a Cyclops/ half-brother

Percy specializes in Sword Fighting. The first time he was in a sword fight was with Luke, and Luke beat him the first round. But when Percy dumped a bottle of water on his head, he got better. And in Round 2, Percy beat Luke hands down.

Camp Half-Blood found out that Percy was a son of Poseidon when he fell in the creek during a game of Capture the Flag, and he fought the Ares cabin. That's when Poseidon claimed him.

Annabeth Chase

Full name: Annabeth Chase
Gender: Female
Birth date: unknown
Age: 16 (as of 'the last Olympian')
Eye colour: Gray
Hair colour: Blonde
Height: 5'9
Family: Mother: Athena

Father: Frederick Chase

Step-Mother: Helen Chase

Half-Brothers: Bobby and Matthew
Species: Demigod
Home: San Francisco, California

Camp Half-Blood
Fatal Flaw: Pride
`Disabilities`: ADHD


Annabeth is the daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom, battle and skill. Annabeth was 7 years old when she went to Camp Half-Blood. She ran away from home when lots of monsters started attacking her. She found Luke and Thalia along the way, and Grover, a satyr, found them and brought them to Camp Half-Blood.

Annabeth wants to be an Architect when she is older. In `the Battle of the Labyrinth`, Percy, Annabeth, Tyson, Rachel, Grover found Daedalus, the Architect of the Labyrinth, and Daedalus gave Annabeth one of his computers with a lot of blue prints on it.

Annabeth`s weapon of choice is a knife, given to her by Luke. In `the Last Olympian`, Ethan Nakamura, a demigod on Kronos` side, tried to stab Percy in the one place that would actually kill him (after he bathed in the River Styx), Annabeth got in the way if his blade and Ethan stabbed her.

Annabeth is Percy’s girlfriend. In `the Last Olympian` they became an official couple when they kissed at the Poseidon table. The whole camp saw them kiss and dumped them in the water.

` And it was pretty much the best underwater kiss of all time. `

-Percy, `the Last Olympian`

Thalia Grace

Name: Thalia Grace

Gender: Female

Birth Date: December 22nd

Age: 15

Eye Colour: Blue

Hair Colour: Black

Height: unknown

Family: Mother: Ms. Grace

Father: Zeus

Half-Brother: Jason Grace

Species: Demigod

Home: None

Fatal Flaw: unknown


Thalia Grace is the Daughter of Zeus, god of the sky. Thalia has a fear of heights, which is funny or strange because her father, Zeus, is the god of the sky.
In ` the Titan’s Curse`, we found this out when Apollo told her to drive the sun chariot and she was screaming the whole time.

After Percy, Thalia and Zoe Nightshade found Artemis, the goddess of the hunt and the moon, Zoe was killed. So, Thalia joined the Hunters of Artemis and became Artemis’s Lieutenant.

When Grover brought Annabeth, Luke and Thalia to the Camp, 2 Furies attacked them and Thalia fought them alone. When they killed her, Zeus took pity on her and turned her into a tree.

In ` the sea of monsters`, Thalia’s Tree was poisoned. Percy, Annabeth, Tyson and Clarisse went on a quest to find the Golden Fleece. When they found the Golden Fleece, and when they put it on one of the branches, Thalia came out of the tree.


Name: Tyson

Gender: Male

Birth Date: unknown

Age: unknown

Eye colour: Brown

Hair colour: Brown

Height: 6`3. But can be 30`

Family: Father: Poseidon

Half-Brother: Percy Jackson

Species: Cyclops

Tyson entered the series in `the Sea of Monsters`, when Percy was being attacked by a bunch of cannibalistic giants on his last day of school. Percy later came to find out, at camp, that Tyson is Cyclops and that he is also a son of Poseidon.

Tyson likes making things. Swords, Shields, etc. Once, he made Percy a shield of their adventures. Though Percy lost it in `The Last Olympian. `

Tyson is fragile. Basically, he’s a big baby. He cries a lot. Tyson likes peanut butter, though so do most Cyclops’s like Tyson. Tyson is very strong, and can grow to up to 30`tall, as shown in `the Last Olympian. `

Grover Underwood
Name: Grover Underwood
Gender: Male
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Brown
Height: 5`9
Species: Satyr
Weapons: Panic (part of the god Pan)
Home: Camp Half-Blood

Grover and Percy first met at Yancy Academy. The school Percy attended for grade 6. Grover is a Satyr. Which means he’s half human, half goat. Grover has a girlfriend named Juniper. Juniper’s a tree.

There’s not really much more to say about Grover.

Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Name: Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Gender: Female
Birth Date: unknown
Age: 16
Eye colour: Green
Hair colour: Red
Height: 5`7
Family: Father: Mr. Dare

Mother: Mrs. Dare
Species: Human/ Oracle of Delphi

Rachel and Percy first met in 'the Titans Curse', when skeletal
Dinosaurs were chasing him and she scared them off. Rachel can see through the mist, which is why she became the Oracle. Rachel has red hair and green eyes. She likes art and always thought she was crazy because she saw things nobody else could.

Clarisse La Rue
Name: Clarisse La Rue
Gender: Female
Birth Date: unknown
Age: unknown
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Brown
Height: Tall
Family: Father: Ares
Species: Demigod
Home: Camp Half Blood

Clarisse is the daughter of Ares. Clarisse is the ‘mean girl’ at camp half-blood. She loves to boss people around and has an Electrical Spear. The first of which Percy broke, but she got a second one.

Clarisse has a boyfriend named Chris Rodriguez. After Chris went crazy in The Labyrinth, Dionysus fixed him and he and Clarisse started dating.

Luke Castellan
Name: Luke Castellan
Gender: Male
Birth Date: Unknown
Age: 16 or 17
Eye Colour: Blue (as Luke) and Gold (as Kronos)
Hair Colour: Blonde
Height: 6’1
Family: Mother: May Castellan

Father: Hermes
Species: Demigod (Luke) Titan (Kronos)
Home: Camp Half-Blood

Princess Andromeda

West Port, Connecticut


Luke is a son of Hermes, though he despises his father for leaving him. Luke joined forces with the Titans and became Kronos’s servant. Luke even became the body for Kronos before the war.

Nico Di Angelo
Name: Nico Di Angelo
Gender: Male
Birth Date: unknown
Age: 12
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Height: 5’4
Family: Mother: Maria Di Angelo

Father: Hades

Sister: Bianca Di Angelo

Hazel Levesque
Species: Demigod
Home: Camp Half-Blood

Camp Jupiter

Nico Di Angelo is a son of Hades. He has a sister named Bianca, but she died on the quest to save Artemis. Nico has brown hair and brown eyes. He is 5’4 and his weapon is a Stygian Iron Sword.

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