The Circus | Teen Ink

The Circus

January 27, 2013
By Englishnerd09 BRONZE, Lexington, South Carolina
Englishnerd09 BRONZE, Lexington, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I walked into a room that seemed to stretch up for miles. The only light source in the room was a bright lavender-colored stage that evaporated into a pitch-black abyss as it climbed up the high room. It is now that I noticed the acrobats swinging out hundreds of feet on endless silks you could not see the top of. Their costumes, creatures you cannot describe, were so intricate and so amazing, it was enough to leave me in awe. As you follow them with your eyes you notice the towers. On top were huge elephants with their own fine pattern work. The headpiece so full of foreign jewels and thin gold ropes in the form of diamonds and shapes I have never seen before. There in total were about ten towers and elephants. Out of the black sea of nothing came dozens of trapeze artists. They were also creatures, but different. They were something from another world. They moved so gracefully, so uniquely, it was impossible to look away. They swung towards the elephants, two or three at a time. They grabbed their tusks close to their masked face, and soared through the air to their swings. The elephants, meanwhile, seemed trained for they swung them in the correct direction, always. Out of nowhere came elevated pathways of fire in unique patterns on leveled platforms revealed only by the new light They were run by large tigers. These tigers had no costume on except for gold silk strings with rubies on the ends that hung of in another diamond pattern. Once at the end of a path, they jump into a giant sea of silk brought in by a few of the acrobats. They ran into it and disappeared to come out on another patterned-trail. The way the silk blanket moved made you feel as if the air around you was shaking gracefully and unpredictably. They all moved in a routine that no human I have ever met could come up with. As elephants and swings caught and swung trapeze artists, the acrobats soured through the air in between them and the racing tigers. This is a place I could never have dreamed of, this is the circus.

The author's comments:
This is a place I would find incredible.

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