The Karma Effect | Teen Ink

The Karma Effect

January 26, 2013
By KM_lynch BRONZE, Vail, Colorado
KM_lynch BRONZE, Vail, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Long ago in the arid land of Babylonia a poor nameless farmer struggled in the attempt to keep alive his peach tree farm. As a young boy he would lay on the vast hillside of his town, with minimal direction in life. Just a peasant who's family has been nothing more and never would be. However, a sudden visit from the god of prosperity would forever change him.

A seed is all the god dropped upon the boy

" Take this seed my boy, Plant it on this hillside, water it, groom it, and watch it grow. if you do so and prove to me your responsibility I will grant you with the most desirable an worshiped peaches." claimed the god.

And that is what he did, everyday up to this very day. He groomed and cared for the tree, watered it when needed and made sure the peach tree stayed in pristine condition. Before long the young boy became a grown man, and the peach seed became a luscious tree. However green and fresh the peach tree became the peaches never came.By the time the farmer was down to the last of all he had, he began to wonder and worry, and soon he believed that the desirable peaches he was promised would never come. So he prayed and willed the gods to help him.

" Please," he said, "Haven't I proven myself. Help me please."

The still dry air surrounded the sun in which sizzled down upon the farmer and his tree. No response from the gods had come yet. As the sun traveled down and the moon rose the farmer went to bed feeling defeated.

The resistance to awake hindered the farmers ability to get up and answer the pounding on the door.

"Hello" he says emotionless

" Yes, Hello sir. Now i am willing to pay twice as much as anyone else for our peaches!" said the unfamiliar man.

" I'll pay triple!" claimed another

" I'll give even more than money!" cries another

"Excuse me." responded the farmer puzzled

" Your peaches, sir, we have never tasted anything like them before" urged the men
Wealth had come to the farmer. His peaches were desirable and worshiped. The gods were pleased, and the farmer was relived.

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