regret | Teen Ink


December 23, 2012
By Anonymous

He sat there drinking coffee, his mind wandering from the night she left to the funeral, he sipped his coffee quietly, as people in the cafe got up and left, no one seemed to notice him no one seemed to care, he was used to this though, because having people cared about you only meant having people pity you, he didn't want their pity it was charity that what it was, he looked down at his mug, trying to figure out what went wrong, in which part of his life did he make a mistake, take a wrong turn, he couldn't figure it out. A Woman in an apron come to his table and slaps her hand down, “were closing.” She said gruffly. He looked up not shaken by the women behavior, she been grouchy since her husband left a year ago for a younger woman leaving everything on her shoulders, now she runs the cafe, trying to get by, he nodded and stood up, put a few bills by his cup, and left the cafe. His place was out of town away from the noise and drama, from the pain people bring. He walked along the sidewalk, there wasn't many people out this late, most were in side with their family sleeping, thinking everything is fine. He passed by an alley way, an old man sat there in ragged clothes, bottle in hand, he nodded at the man, the old man just sat there his head lolled to one side. He kept walking the building and houses slowly decreasing, soon just fields were around, he finally came to a stop in front of an old looking house, it looked as it was once beautiful, once loved, with white trims around the porch, a blue door, with a reef hanging on it, well trim gardens, and surrounding the house a white picket fence, but now the house was old, the white fences was brown and broken, the gate hanging off by a hinge, the gardens wild and over grown, and the blue door was old and bits of blue paint peeling off, the reef was now gone thrown away long ago. He walked through the gate, and up the drive way leaves crunching under his feet, a cold wind swept past him ruffling his hair, he walked up the porch steps each step creaking under his weight, he carefully open the door and walked in.

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