Gone and Reborn | Teen Ink

Gone and Reborn

March 29, 2010
By SeekTheTruth BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
SeekTheTruth BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Quaere verum

Trying to make the world green. The corruption of life from the parst was still trhere. The soil would not let anything grow. The world had let it die. The earth still wished to live. But it’s time was spent. All of that green was turned to brown. Color was gone. The sun was grey. The earth was brown. The people were gone. The earth was still there bleak. Without color. All alone without a single sprout. Nothing there to make it live. The life was gone and yet the earth was there. Trying to live even when the soil would not let it. The would above desolate. The seed was still there. Trying to sprout and allow life to continue. Trying to make the earth, live again.


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