Call of death | Teen Ink

Call of death

June 6, 2024
By Nicole_villatoro BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
Nicole_villatoro BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You know you are doing something wrong, but you don't know how to stop doing it.
It was a Sunday afternoon a man went to his mistress' house because he had had an argument with his wife, since he told her he was going to be late, his wife got angry and they started to argue, but she had the suspicion that something was going on because it was very rare that her husband was always leaving late and canceling appointments.
At first the wife didn't think anything wrong, since nothing like this had ever happened before, but as time went by they started to have more arguments and it was evident that there was something else going on.
When he was with his lover he got a call... it happened that when they argued the wife decided to go out to relax, she wanted to go to the beach because that was her safe place, while driving she discovered that you will never know if your partner is infidel or not, you will never know if he really loves you or not, you will never know if he is telling you the truth, even looking you in the eyes . You just have to trust and if something goes wrong destiny itself will show you that that person was not the right person, but enjoy the moment that can give you, because with sincerity or not, at least you did not fail and you were happy, however having all that anger inside her, she was driving fast and without being focused... at the end her lover tried to comfort her husband because it was a call from the hospital.

The author's comments:

I just talked about a topic that will always be involved in relationships, however I wanted to write this and try to include a reflection that ideal people won't put you through it and love is so hard that the only thing left is to trust in the other person


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