Locked | Teen Ink


May 2, 2024
By Darlie BRONZE, Novomoskovsk, Other
Darlie BRONZE, Novomoskovsk, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Fall in love with yourself, with life, and then with whoever you want"

Hello, we're the Willstone family from England; we have a little farm near the lake and pastures; my son is an unknown shoemaker, but he does his best; this is hard to keep on this exhausting lifestyle; we barely have money for our needs; this draining reality existed until we realized that some people live in the XXI century, while we were secretly locked in IXX.

The author's comments:

Also, I made a little story about people being unknowingly forced to live this old lifestyle. If you let your mind continue the story, you can get an amazing end. 

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