God’s Perfect Creation | Teen Ink

God’s Perfect Creation

March 11, 2024
By haas_jj BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
haas_jj BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why does it rain?

A long time ago, there was a world of kindness. God created the world, and there was no sin. Two humans lived in a beautiful garden and had simple rules to follow. They followed them and there was peace; however, the devil had other plans. He tempted them into breaking the simple rules: God had said to never eat the fruit off of the sacred tree, but they may eat whatever they want off of the rest of the trees. Yet, the devil made them think otherwise, and that was where evil was born. 

God was heart broken. He didn’t know what to do. He began to cry. Everything perfect he had created was destroyed with sin. He thought man would know better. He thought this could never happen. He thought his creation was perfect. 

God cried for weeks; it fell down on the old perfectness. It started to pool up and the hours after it began to make puddles. Days passed, and it began to make streams. Weeks created rivers and lakes; months formed oceans over God’s perfect garden. 

God began to become too tired to cry and rested in sorrow and sadness. He woke up and looked down on the remainder of his perfect garden, however, remains wasn’t the right word. His perfectness showed power and perseverance through the rain and became more beautiful than ever. God began to smile and realized how powerful his creation of man was. The sun began to heat up the earth again. 

Once again, the devil had other plans. He deceived mankind again. God began to yell, creating thunder. He tried to reach out his hand and stop this from happening, creating lightning. It began to storm again. Days went by of him crying again. 

While sitting in grief, God remembered how powerful his creation was. Even though they fell for the evil of the devil again, they still came through and kept God’s perfect design in place. He stopped and let the sun shine through again. He soon learned to love the imperfections and forgave them. 

Now, whenever evil strikes again, God gets scared his creation will be destroyed and cries and yells and tries to reach out. Raining down, crashing with thunder and lightning. Yet, he always remembers how strong we are as people, as one. The sun shines through again. He loves the human touch on his creation. God used to think his creation was ruined. He used to not see it. God’s creation is perfect. 

The author's comments:

God loves imperfections. 

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