The last meal | Teen Ink

The last meal

January 16, 2024
By Anonymous

In my dream last meal, I'd go for something really special and exotic – a Wagyu steak. It's famous for being super tasty, tender and fatty because of how the meat is processed and grown. Rumor has it, that the cows are massaged weekly to make the meat perfect. I want it cooked to a perfect medium rare. With fries on the side followed by a fresh coke right out of the cold cooler. The fires need to be perfectly fried in coconut oil at a slow fry to ensure they get the perfect crunch to them and their signature golden brown.

I want to enjoy every single bite slowly, making this meal the happiest one ever. I imagine having it on a quiet beach in the Bahamas, all by myself, with my feet in the sand. I'll savor each bite of the steak, listening to the waves crashing and watching the boats go by in the distance and the only worry in the world is can I finish this amazing meal.  

But for now…it's just a fun thought during English class. 

The author's comments:

I wrtoe this for a final exam 

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