Christmas Morning | Teen Ink

Christmas Morning

January 16, 2024
By Gunnar1206 BRONZE, Colgate, Wisconsin
Gunnar1206 BRONZE, Colgate, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A loud thud startled me out of my sleep, then it was silent. Could it have been reindeer on the roof? Could it have been Santa dropping his toy sack down the chimney? My curious 7 year old self asked myself these questions. I crept up on my window slowly pushing the curtains to the side to get a glimpse of what was possibly outside. It had been nothing but powdery glittery snow falling in what seemed to be slow motion with the moonlight glistening off of the snowflakes. What did I expect? To see Santa in his sleigh being pulled behind his reindeer take flight off to the next house? To hear his sleigh-bells? Then suddenly a large clump of snow had fallen off the roof right in front of my window where I was peeking outside. Santa had found out I was awake and looking for him. I had thought to myself. I quickly leap back in bed and act like I’m sleeping hoping he wouldn't realize. The rest of the night I had not slept with my mind racing, thinking about how I had almost seen Santa. Once it had started to get light out, I quickly threw a coat and some slippers on, sprinting outside to look at the roof for tracks. I came outside to see a packed down section on my roof where Santa and his reindeer had landed on my roof. I sprinted back inside to show my parents but when we got back outside, all of the snow had fallen off the roof not leaving any signs of tracks. Leaving me disappointed I couldn’t show my parents but still satisfied that I had seen the tracks for myself.

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