The Cycle of Love | Teen Ink

The Cycle of Love

December 11, 2023
By Anonymous

“So, how have you been?” she asks the person she thought would be the one reading speeches at all the important events in her life, the one she thought she would have the cliché “friendship since birth” with, and the one who was like her snow on Christmas day. But Christmas day will still come and go regardless of whether there is snow or not.

Before that, she had been reassured of the omnipotence of their friendship. “No matter how far you move, we will always stay in touch, and our friendship will never change. Despite the distance, the love I have for you will always belong to you.”

Before that, they were two teenage girls going to the same school, talking every day, sharing their lives with one another. They did all the little things together and taught each other what it means to love and to be loved. They stayed up until 3 am together, calling about things too irrelevant for either to remember the following morning. They always immediately looked at each other every time a group project had to be done, already knowing they were on each other's team despite a lack of words.

Before that, they were strangers that had, entirely by chance, chosen the same school to attend. Because of the proximity of their last names, they were always seated next to each other. Many coincidences and a whole lot of luck led them to the moment in time of their meeting, forever changing their lives.

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