The Bed | Teen Ink

The Bed

November 2, 2023
By Anonymous

Lying lifelessly, on that hospital bed, with eyes as gray as the sky outside, with oceans and rivers of blue and gray radiating from his body, as I look into his lifeless eyes, it’s all over I tell myself, it’s all over. The usual cheerful, joyful bundle of happiness, drained out of his body. I never thought it’d end this way, all the hardships we’ve been through, all the times we laughed together, all the times we cried together, just seem like memories from the past. Life is short, as you don’t know what’s going to happen next, and your best friend can drop dead, right on that bed. 

The author's comments:

I used Metaphors to really describe how the Boy was feeling, and you will see this being used on lines 1, and 2. I also made the set piece all thoughts to really find what the character is feeling. I started this during a quick write after learning about set peices.

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