Countless Endings | Teen Ink

Countless Endings

October 18, 2023
By Anonymous

Countless number of trails allow us to run until we can’t run anymore. The run where we saw the start of oranges, pinks, and reds all coming together. The colors that create a beautiful, breathtaking sky. The sky lights up the world. The sky that saves those who can’t see. The sky that allows the birds to soar and the little chipmunks to see. See so they can run along with the both of us. 

The trails with ends we cannot reach. The enchanted trees gleaming above us from the sun that shines. The sun that creates crepuscular rays between the branches. The branches that sway and shake in the breeze that blows. 

The breeze that makes the little creatures all crawl and slither next to us now. Like the snake that slithers by our sides smiling, making the loneliness fade away as we now take off. We immediately start to take in deep breaths, appreciating the crisp cool air and our eyes wander, witnessing all the sights and sounds of fall. I noticed the orange, red and yellow leaves gently floating in the wind to the ground, the crunch as my feet hit the dried leaves on the path and the warm but subtle glow of the sun. 

The wind blows and rustles a large grouping of leaves to the ground, making it feel like snow falling to the earth. Then, out of the corner of our eyes, we see two deer in the woods, grazing on some grass and shying away from us. Pressing my finger to my lips in a whisper gesture, showing her, my niece, the deer. We slow to a walk as we watch the deer leap off into the deeper part of the woods. 

To our surprise, nature made the run go by quickly, and we are already at our three-mile goal. We slow our pace to a cooldown walk.

In this moment of peace and accomplishment, take in the woods around me and the sky above. The sky seems so blue today, as if it is lower to the ground than most normal days, almost as if we could touch heaven.

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