Opening Day | Teen Ink

Opening Day

September 28, 2023
By Anonymous

Opening Day 

One thing I could not live without would be my European deer mount. November 21st 2020. This was something I had been dreaming about for years. This is much more than a trophy to me, it is a symbol for my love for hunting, and quality time with my grandpa and dad and brother. It reminds me of the party my dads friend held in his big garage with the other hunters. 

With my dad by my side I felt the nerves wear off and felt myself come back to earth. They are the ones who gave me the gift of being able to hunt. Teaching me the basics. Mom and dad waited to let me go until they thought I was mature enough. And the wait was worth it. When I look at the mount, I don't see a deer, I see the memories of that day, starting with the early walk in the field,  to hardly sleeping ,despite a long day, that same night. Even now, I become more eager to get back out in the field for next year to hopefully do it again. It makes me think of the delicious food my mom could make, venison burgers, pot roasts, fajitas , and anything else she comes up with.

The memories of the whole weekend fill me with excitement and with it hanging in my room on the wall, it is the first thing I see when I wake up and the last thing I see when I fall asleep. I wake up counting down the days till the next season. 

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