A Distant Dream | Teen Ink

A Distant Dream

September 28, 2023
By Salted_Caramel GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Salted_Caramel GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 5 photos 0 comments

The last thing I remember was listening to what seemed to be the teacher's 16,817th word of her lecture before dozing off. Falling asleep in my Osamu Dazai book, I woke up in a gondola drifting down a river in Venice. The buildings were white with a hint of pinking making you question whether or not they were considered which of the two colors. As I stepped off the boat I walked down the street in my brand new Play Comme Converse, I was looking through each window I stopped by. One window displayed a dress with earth colored seahorses, and another with brown feathered griffins. As I passed by more shops, a gust of cold frigid mist hit me carrying along with it the smell of delicious food from a stand nearby. I decided I would go to the food stand, it was called Türion’s bakery. I ordered a box of cinnamon roll bites with a side of extra cinnamon so I could enjoy them while continuing my journey down the streets of Venice. As I was walking, enjoying my pastries, I looked out on the sea. I thought to myself “this is nothing like Lake Michigan, it’s far more beautiful”. I was in awe, absolutely flabbergasted by the beauty of this place, until I was startled by a loud noise. I heard a loud anxious cry “LOOK OUT!”. I blinked and then I was back in the classroom, listening again to my dramatic teacher's lecture.


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