Leo and JFK | Teen Ink

Leo and JFK

September 27, 2023
By Anonymous

Last night I dreamt Leonardo Dicaprio flew from London to Washington D.C. to have lunch with JFK. They had crab pancakes. As they ate JFK exclaimed “WOW! Doesn’t the water of the Atlantic ocean look beautiful today?” Leo had said “ I agree it’s a pretty emerald green color,” JFK replied in confusion “Really that dark I think it kinda reminds me of those shoes you know the jordan 4’s I think they are the seafoam green ones, the lighter green ones” As they were leaving the restaurant Leo got bit by a dragon. The krankenwagen rushed him to the hospital going 88 miles an hour. Leo was seen by the neurologist Zach asking him how much mathematics he remembers. Leo exclaimed he remembers everything. JFK runs into the room not even worried about Leo and starts screaming like a little girl out of excitement about going to the zach bryan concert later that day.

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