Zoey’s backstabbing friend | Teen Ink

Zoey’s backstabbing friend

September 21, 2023
By bena_0618 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
bena_0618 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Zoey and Cloe have been friends since pre-k, but ever since high school, Cloe started acting different towards Zoey. They would hang out less, but Cloe never notices, Ever since Cloe got new group of friends, she would only talk to Zoey in private, but when she was around her popular friends, she would ignore Zoey because the popular girls thought Zoey was weird. Zoey missed Cloe very much. Cloe was her sun to her moon, she made her happy and they used to always hang out. They were so banal. So, one day Zoey had asked Cloe to hang out and go to their favorite spot, the mall, but suddenly, she was “busy.” She used to never be too busy to hang out with Zoey. Cloe started making excuses like hanging out with her family or being sick, which Zoey understood, so she wasn’t paying any mind to it, but she would use that excuse way too much. Suddenly, Zoey was slowly catching on that Cloe didn’t want to be around her. Cloe was being clandestine right in front of her. She didn’t know how to take it. She was upset about it. One day Zoey had wanted to go shopping with Cloe and her mom, but Cloe couldn’t go once again, so her mom ended up going with her. Zoey and her mom were shopping. All of a sudden Zoey saw Cloe outside the store with her new group of friends who would always talk bad about her. Instantly, Zoey got fed up. She was furious, her face turned red as a tomato. She just couldn’t take it no more. She just wanted to have her friend back, but Cloe on the other hand was ignoring her and being fake. Zoey did not know what to do, her heart was pounding out of her chest. Then Zoey finally took the ascendancy to go and tell her something. She went up to Cloe in the middle of the mall. As she walked over, Cloe and her friends looked at her. Zoey said to her “what are you doing here?” “You told me you were out with your family.” Cloe said, “I was with my family, but now I’m at the mall.”  And then Zoey said, “You are so fake. You were supposed to be my friend.” Then Cloe said, “why would I want to be your friend. Especially with those hideous clothes on.” Cloe and her friends laughed at Zoey, then Zoey began to tear up. Cloe and her friends bumped her as they walked past. Zoey cried because she really saw Cloe’s true colors that day. Zoey had so much enmity towards Cloe, but on the other hand, Cloe had no care in the world what Zoey was telling her, but Cloe just went on with her day.

Suddenly, the next day, Zoey saw Cloe in the hallway and told her “I can’t believe you would do that to me. I thought that we were friends.” And Cloe said to Zoey “If you don’t want to be my friend then don’t be.” Zoey was so furious and she had no control of what she was going to do next.  Zoey went at Cloe and punched her in her face and started a fight between them. The teachers tried to break them up but, they couldn’t so the principal came and broke them up. They go to the principal office and the principal calls Zoey’s mom to come get her. When her mom arrived, the principal told her about the incident. Afterwards, Zoey and her mom got in the car. Zoey’s mom said “I can’t believe you got into a fight you know better.” Zoey says “I know mom, I’m sorry I was just mad that Cloe doesn’t was to be my friend anymore.” Her mom said “she was never a true friend in the first place, they would never treat you like that.” “Losing fiends is a part of, but don’t worry you will find new ones.” Zoey wipes the tears off her face then Zoey mom says, “How about we go get ice cream to cheer you up.” “That sounds good” says Zoey. Zoey and her mom go to the ice cream shop, and they sit and talk for hours. Zoey was no longer as sad. Zoey and Cloe went their separate ways. Zoey made new friends and was happy again.

The author's comments:

its about how this girl have a friend that back stabs her in the back and they stop being friends for the things she's done to her. 

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