Pink is the color of revenge | Teen Ink

Pink is the color of revenge

September 20, 2023
By abbyh7 BRONZE, Tarpon Springs, Florida
abbyh7 BRONZE, Tarpon Springs, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Barbie! Barbie!” (in a mimicking voice) aargh this is all I hear all day everyday...deep down I don’t like any of these people in my town they disgust me ive had enough of their plastic smiles and vain.  The only time I enjoy is when I'm here in my room journaling my thoughts. So once again, dear my dearest journal you are my place where I can let my thoughts run wild and a place, I plan all my schemes perfectly to take over this world to ensure no one finds out the villain I really am each page unfolds my true thoughts without judgment.  
I wasn’t always like I was always seen as perfect, so I never thought to let my thoughts be knon that everyone here is shallow until one day something came over my head that I can't live in this lie so here in this journal I plot my takeover of this world and make it my own. My plan involves doing small pranks to break the blissfulness and start chaos and soon I will start to expose the truths about each and every single person it will send everyone to panic and no one will like each other and it will be music to my ears  even my once so called love of my life ken found out the hard way that im not the perfect doll.  
Speaking of chaos and pranks, I haven't played a prank on the town in a while, it's been too calm, so I think it's time to make the people feel a bit uneasy. Hmmm what should I do? What's something that will make the town mad? Oh wait I have the perfect idea tomorrow there is a cupcake Bakesale to raise money to keep barbie world up so we don’t have to move into the real world, my plan is to sneak into the bakery tonight and switch all the “pretty perfectly pink” cupcakes with ugly, messy green ones and the cooks will have no time to make more. It's amazing to see the confusion and shock on everyone's face when something unexpected happens.  
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who understands the meaning of fun and I think to myself am I really a "villain" or I'm just a young lady that doesn’t like to go by the same boring rules every day. If this plan goes right everyone will have to move and I will finally get this world all to myself and make it my own. Everyone wonders why I hate these people and why I want them gone so bad well if you had to live with people who are practically robots every day and play their assigned roles everyday like puppets and seem as if they are blind to the potential, you would want them gone too.  
This is only the beginning I will continues to plot down my ambitions. This town will soon be mine and the truth will be out. 
-By the one and only Barbie 

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