joker speech | Teen Ink

joker speech

September 19, 2023
By Anonymous

Greetings Gotham, I have gathered you all here today from the gift of money from the sky because that’s all people seem to care about these days. Now, you may have heard this come out from Batman’s mouth and that come out of Harvey Dent’s mouth, but the truth is to be unheard of because of the fear and striving for money in this corrupt city of capitalism. But speaking from a guy who burned 10 million dollars into ashes, I have come here to set the bar for the youth, as it is too late for all the corruption Batman has filled in your tiny, computer brains.


 You know, growing up with the life of struggle and negligence from the man you love does something to your brain. Like a WW2 veteran suffering from PTSD, you don’t view the world the same and have different world views. Getting abused and seeing people shot at such a young age makes you question the world and the origin of it instead of chasing money like the privileged do being totally oblivious to the true world around them. You must see it to know it. And someone must go to great lengths to find out the truth about human nature.


The only thing that is saving your innocent minds is the propaganda of the US economy while the houses of congress brainwash the citizens of the US so they can sit back and the rich and powerful can kick their feet back while lying on the sunroof of their yacht. Why do you think animals are a more violent realm of behavior? Because there is no such thing as money, they must kill to survive survival of the fittest if you will.



Instead of working and buying stuff at a convenience store from the money they made working their 9-5s, they hunt and kill. in your minds I’m the villain because the supreme court makes a different version of the mask, but someone must go great lengths to show you the truth of the world at take off your invisible handcuffs and free your minds and let you run off to the wild and let human nature do what it meant to do. We have been gifted by God with such articulate minds and it is to much power to be wasted on chasing piece of green paper for corporate and capital gain. So, I here ask you, to join me and turn this world that God intended to be for all the people of the world!

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