Red Skull Villain Speech | Teen Ink

Red Skull Villain Speech

September 19, 2023
By Anonymous

“Welcome, Thanos, son of Eros. Gamora, daughter of Thanos[SEV1] [SEV2] .” -Red skull

“You know us?” -Thanos

“It is my curse to know anyone who travels here” -Red skull

“You are here to seek greater power in return for a large sacrifice” -Red skull

“The overarching goal of ultimate power” -Red skull

“I reminisce of my past” -Red skull

“We have time to kill so, speak your mind Stone Keeper” - Thanos

“In my juvenile years, my mom ceased to exist after creating me” -Red skull

“The drunk old man taking care of me, always called me a monster” -Red skull

“Before he took his life by the thought of ever raising me” -Red skull

“I envisioned me being the monster of this broken, cruel world” -Red skull

“So I joined the strongest nation in that time, the Soviet Union” -Red skull

“Before I died, the beginning of my fate started” -Red skull

 “I was anticipated to all to be the next noble wolf of the Nazi’s” -Red skull

“We were winning, I had the Tesseract in my safe vault” -Red skull

“All of that came crashing down, the American dogs had invaded our faculty like an ant colony fixing their gaze on a donut” -Red skull

“You couldn’t kill them?” -Thanos

“Me and my army took down most American peasants, but they had an ace up their sleeve” -Red skull

“The America’s won the technology race when the invented a Super Solider Serum” -Red skull

“They gave it to the most scrawny, unintellectual but influential leader” -Red skull

“His name Steve Rogers, Captain America” -Red skull

“With his leadership he defeated me and my people” -Red skull

“My last resort was to use the Tesseract to win” -Red skull

“Interacting with the Tesseract, fabricated a worm hole that absorbed me and teleported me to this gut-wrenching planet, doomed to stay her for all eternity” -Red skull

“I ask you Thanos, purple titan” -Red skull

“What has led you to pursue this curse of a stone?” -Red skull

“I need this 3rd stone to my collection to achieve Universe Equality” -Thanos

“The sacrifice of this stone is great, is your sacrifice grand enough for the stone?” -Red skull

“If you’re hungry for power, account for the abandonment of emotions?” -Red skull

“This stone will not bring the past back” -Red skull

(Thanos Gamora off the cliff)

“This sacrifice was essential for the universe” – Thanos

“Was it essential for your meaning of life?” -Red skull

“Was this the best method to your desires?” -Red skull

“Again, I ask you, is the pursue of power the meaning of your living?” -Red skull

“Right a wrong in this cruel world, end your endless quest of power” -Red skull


The author's comments:

I am a student in SPC college doing this for an assignment and this piece is based on the marvel villain Red Skull. He was Captain America's main villain but he became the stone keeper of the soul stone. Where he talks to a familiar villain, Thanos. He tries to inform Thanos of the dangers of pursuing for ultimate power. 

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