The Lost Toy | Teen Ink

The Lost Toy

September 18, 2023
By Anonymous

In the early 200s in fall. A dog name Max was playing with his favorite toy his mom gave to him then suddenly creeping around the bushes a wolf came running and took off with his toy Max tried running After the wolve with his full speed but unfortunately he was to small and the wolf jump off the cliff and landed in the boat to get off the island max then walk back to his friend house who is a person name Daniel if he can help get his toy back Daniel agrees to help max because he knows how special the toy is to him before she died so of course he will help they started by making a jetpack to fly they both started traveling to volcano were they heard the wolf was at  when they were getting close the jetpack had started breaking they both started falling to the ground Daniel quickly grab max and holed him they landed hard on the water then Daniel started walking close to the ground of the volcano they felt the ground rumbling and lava was goosing out slowly  then suddenly they seen the wolf walking up on the far right side of the volcano with the toy on his hand max yelled saying give me my toy back with a mad face the wolf was shock and started running up max and Daniel started running too they all had reach the top open volcano and the wolf started laughing and Max said why is he doing this what does he want the wolf started saying a long time ago when i was a little kid i had always wanted the double shaped unlimited ball my dad and i went to the store to get it but it was selling out to fast they saw the last one that was gonna be made bt as soon as i started walking ur mom went infront of me without seeing me and she took it and bought it for you daniel then started saying your crazy but then max stop him and said you really wanted this bad since you were kid he then proceed to break the ball in half and gave it to him the wolf was very shock and happy and he then said sorry for taking this for you i feel bad and max said its okay i understand.n

Adulterate (adj) to make something bad or continuing on bad.

Animosity (adj) strong dislike or behavior that shows strong dislike.

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