Kathy and her Journey to Paris | Teen Ink

Kathy and her Journey to Paris

September 8, 2023
By VirtualJaydenV BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
VirtualJaydenV BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Kathy and her Journey to Paris 
On a sunny Monday morning in April, Kathy wakes up early and is ready for the day as planned for her. She stops at her local 7- 11 store to purchase a scratch off lottery ticket. Kathy never has good luck with scratch offs. Like always she didn’t win anything and threw the ticket in the car with frustration. 

Kathy was listening to her favorite radio station 93Q like she does every morning on her drive to work, when the DJ announced, “The next 29th caller will win an all-exclusive trip to Paris!” Kathy has always dreamed about going to Paris as a little girl. It’s one of her top five destinations on her bucket list. Kathy pulled over in a hurry, grabbed her phone and started dialing with excitement. To her surprise the DJ answered saying, “You are the 29th caller!” Kathy screamed and couldn’t believe that she had won. She hurried to call her husband Bob to tell him the great news of winning a free trip to Paris. 

Before going to Paris, Kathy and Bob had to go buy a bunch of stuff for their vacation, so they went to the store. Using their own respective grocery list, they begin to shop individually, Kathy brought a makeup kit so she could make herself look pretty when she takes selfies. Bob just went in to buy personal hygiene stuff and a waterproof case for his phone. All in all, once all of the items are crossed out, they’re ready to go on their vacation to Paris. 
 The day finally arrived for the trip to Paris. Kathy and Bob had finished packing their suitcases and left their passports on top of the bed.  Rocko their dog has always been mischievous and likes to misplace things and chew on shoes and socks, and even to the point where he pees a lot of the time, in such random places. Rocko was snooping around in the room and there’s something that caught his eye, 2 shiny blue passports, he then snatched their passports off the bed and ran off without Kathy and Bob noticing. 

They left and the first thing they went to was McDonalds, where they ordered their breakfast there, later on they went to the airport and as they were checking in Kathy realized that their passports were missing. Oh no! Kathy cried! She frantically called her mom to go to their house and look for their passports. The mom looked everywhere that she could think of, but she wasn’t able to find it. She checked the kitchen, bedrooms, cabinets, under the couch with no luck. Usually, Rocko is always wandering around the house and always getting himself into something. That’s when she noticed Rocko was nowhere in sight and it was oddly quiet. She was calling his name, but he never came to her. She thought to herself where he could be. She went looking for him in his kennel and to her relief she saw the passports were under some toys and socks with Rocko in there with a guilty look on his face, with a bunch of wet spots everywhere. Her mom had to clean up the mess Rocko made, as she dried up the floor using towels, and while quickly snatching the passports, organized all the furniture back to the way it was, Rocko had to be put up in the cage. Finally, with all of that taken care of, her mom is now ready to head out. 

She quickly jumps in her car to drive to the airport. But there was a lot of traffic along the way, and she feared she wasn’t going to make it on time. So, she zoomed in and out of traffic and before she knew it, she was there to give Kathy and Bob their passports, just in the nick of time she thought. Bob turned to Kathy and said, “Wow, we are lucky your mom found the passports”. They were thrilled that they didn’t have to cancel their trip and went on to board the plane. Kathy can now cross Paris off her bucket list. 

The airplane took off, inside the airplane, Kathy is just relaxing in her seat, putting her headphones on to listen to music in her ears. She then took a peek out of the plane’s window and saw a majestic view of the clouds, one of which even resembles an Eiffel Tower. Hours later, she grabs out her Nintendo Switch and played games on it to kill time, one of the games she’s playing is Super Mario Bros., stomping on a bunch of Gombas, Kopas, and other enemies, defeating Bowser and completing the game as it progresses. After a little while, she got tired, and she decided to take a nap. 

Many hours later, when Kathy woke up, she peeked out of the window again and she saw that they finally made it to France, the hometown of Paris. Kathy was excited that she was going to meet the place of her own dreams. First of all, they had to book a hotel, so they drove around, and they found a nice, cozy hotel to stay in for a few nights. They had to unpack everything before they were ready to head off to Paris. 

They took a drive to iconic locations, such as Arc de Triomphe, Louvre Museum, where they learned a bunch of historical knowledge about France, and finally, there’s the one and only Eiffel Tower. They stopped there and then took a few pictures of the Eiffel Tower, and even Kathy got to take a nice selfie for herself and Bob. Later they went out to eat at a French restaurant, eating some good Ol’ French food together. After a while, they took a drive to Montparnasse Tower and went to the highest floor, and as they went there, Kathy and Bob saw everything from Paris, from the Effiel Tower, the entire city, and to end it off with the sunset, all of which were perfect for Kathy and Bob. 

A few hours later, they went back to the hotel and Kathy got to think about the nice things from Paris.  She is glad that she got to visit a place of her dreams, which finally came true. Kathy will remember this moment for the rest of her life, maybe she’ll have plans to go to Paris again, but save it for the next few years. 

The author's comments:

When I got COVID last week, I just thought of a simple story idea about Kathy going to Paris, so I wrote this in less than 3 days.

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