The Bestfriend | Teen Ink

The Bestfriend

September 1, 2023
By ks0364570 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
ks0364570 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On Friday, October 13, 2013, Melissa Bell moved to a small town known as Lake Town. Melissa's father had just been offered a job opportunity, which meant Melissa would have to leave all of her childhood friends behind and start from scratch. She spent the following week getting herself adjusted, unpacking her room, and getting to know the town. Melissa felt ready for a change and was looking forward to a new beginning. However, as the first day of junior year approached Melissa’s nerves seemed to increase drastically. She thought to herself “How could I possibly fit in?” As she walked into first period she took a seat at the back of the class hoping to avoid everyone. A few moments later, Amber Smith, who was known to be the most popular girl at Pasadena Memorial High School took a seat next to her. Amber asked, “Are you new?”. Melissa replied “Yes”. From there it began, the friendship that ended the innocence of LakeTown. They talked day after day as if they had known each other for a lifetime. It was quick for Amber to take Melissa under her wing, and introduce her to all of her friends. She seemed to fit in perfectly fine and even began to feel more comfortable around school. A month into school Amber and Melissa had become inseparable and opened up to each other in many different ways. All of Melissa's worries and concerns had magically gone away like dust, and Melissa couldn't thank Amber enough for that. Everyday at school, they would eat lunch together, and tell each other every bit of detail that was happening in their lives. Soon enough they began to hang out outside of school, constantly coming up with new adventures to experience together. Melissa’s parents were glad she had made friends quickly and were happy she had met Amber. Nothing could’ve prepared the town for the outcome of this friendship. 

Although Amber was known to have the perfect life during school, at home it was the antithesis. Amber’s home life was very different from Melissa’s. Amber didn’t have a role model to look up to like everyone else did or had any type of father figure. She felt alone most of the time and never felt wanted. Which is why she wouldn’t mind leaving reality for six hours of the school day. Amber had everything in school, the boys, the looks, and the popularity. For that reason, she didn’t share this part of her life with anyone, however, the security Melissa gave her made her open up. Amber felt as if she could tell Melissa anything in the world and wouldn’t be judged. However, Melissa’s life was very different from that. Her parents were happily married and lived in an amazing house, which reflected on Melissa. As the school year went by and their friendship increased, Melissa’s attitude changed drastically. She began to dress like Amber, talk like her, and even walk like her. Melissa slowly became Amber. Soon enough Melissa had made personal connections with almost everyone at school.

Homecoming day was approaching, which was Amber's favorite time of the year. Amber knew she would be homecoming queen again as the years before. However, as they were announcing the nominees for homecoming queen, Amber's face dropped with worry as they announced Melissa’s name. At that moment, Amber realized Melissa had completely taken over the school. A dark cloud came over Amber, she couldn't stand the fact that Melissa could have it all, a perfect family and a perfect school life. After that day, Amber started to become very distant from Melissa in hopes her popularity would decrease before the dance. Melissa realized what Amber was doing, so the defamation of Amber began. Melissa told the whole school the truth about Amber and her double life. This led to drama between both of them and soon the friendship everyone had known was over. As the homecoming date came closer, you could feel the intense energy as you walked into school. Amber knew she couldn’t lose the only thing she had in her life, which was her popularity, so she came up with a plan. 

The morning before the homecoming dance, Amber decided to give Melissa a call. Amber apologized for everything that had happened and invited Melissa over for a sleepover to reconnect as friends. Melissa agreed to it and that afternoon she went over to Amber's house, excited to rebuild a friendship. As Melissa pulled into Amber's driveway, she could see Amber standing at the front door with a smile on her face. After they catch up, Melissa suggests they head to the store to buy snacks to watch a movie. However, Amber disagrees and suggests they eat what they have at home, instead of going to the store. Melissa agrees and they proceed to watch the movie as they eat snacks they found in Amber's pantry. Halfway through the movie, Amber decides to go down to the kitchen for a glass of water. A few moments later Amber yells for Melissa’s help, as Melissa runs down to the kitchen she slows down in confusion because she can’t seem to find Amber anywhere. Melissa begins to search through the living room and begins to think it’s a joke. “This isn’t funny Amber, stop it, “ says Melissa. As those last words come out of her mouth in fear, she proceeds to get stabbed in the back 15 times till unconscious. As Amber stands over her dead body she smiles as if she’s just won an Olympic gold medal. The pride she felt after that moment was sickening. Amber proceeds to wrap Melissa‘s body in an old carpet and throws it in the back of her car. With a smile on her face, Amber drives to the famous Shadow Lake and proceeds to dump her body. As Amber arrives home, she cleans up the mess by using every bit of bleach she has in her house, including the knife. The following day was homecoming, Amber's excitement overfilled her body as it was her favorite day of the year. She proceeded to get her makeup and hair done as if nothing had happened the night before. Melissa’s parents began to worry about where she was and decided to call Amber. When Amber’s phone rang she looked at it with no worry as she knew she had a cover-up story. She proceeds to act shocked and informs Melissa’s parents she had gone away in the middle of the night with a boy she had just met. Melissa‘s parents' worries began to increase and decided to get the cops involved. Meanwhile, Amber headed to the homecoming dance with no worries or regrets. Ten years later, Melissa Bell’s case remains unsolved.

The author's comments:

I hope this piece brings awareness to everyone, especially parents to really be careful of who their children are friends with. Also to bring awareness to kids these days, to always be aware of their surroundings.

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