Summa Beach | Teen Ink

Summa Beach

July 31, 2023
By Anonymous

The salty breeze caressed my face as I stepped onto the sun-kissed sand, my toes sinking into its warm embrace. The sound of crashing waves and laughter filled my ears, a soothing symphony that whispered promises of adventure and fun. This was my haven, my escape from the chaotic world, the beach. With each step, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders, my worries disappearing into the vastness of the ocean before me. The clear blue waters stretched as far as my eyes could see as if it was merging seamlessly with the sky, a visual demonstration of the boundless beauty of nature. I found the perfect spot near the water's edge and spread out my beach towel, claiming my slice of paradise and peace. I absorbed the warmth of the sun, closing my eyes and letting its rays dance across my skin, cuddling me like a lullaby. As I opened my eyes, my glance was met with a vibrant birds-eye-view. Kites soared high above, their vibrant colors painting the sky, while seagulls glided gracefully, their squawks mingling with the laughter of children building sandcastles. The beach was a tapestry of life in my eyes, a universe of stories waiting to be discovered.

The author's comments:

This is a vignette that I wrote in my Writing class. I wrote about a beach and how it is my safe space when times get hard. I wanted everybody to feel like they can find their safe space in anything that they desire even if its a beach just like me. 

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