Thorns | Teen Ink


June 1, 2023
By Anonymous

Sprouting up in the spring, ready for a refresh. Roses grow one by one with help from their little pollinator friends to help set the tone for summer. This flower is beautiful to look at but dangerous to touch. Their thorns speak many silent words about the way the rose feels. 

“Please, don't touch,” the flowers whisper. Although they may say this, people still cannot keep their hands away. Please, leave me alone. But they cannot get away from the vase of water or the pot of soil. 

To be left alone in the sun to grow and share pollen with others would be a joy for them. Giving insects a job, giving earth oxygen, giving a bright smile back to the sun. blowing gently in the wind with vibrant colors to show just how unique they can be. Willowing away in the winter time when the cold air hits their pedals. 

Laying down, sad to see the sun finally hidden behind the clouds of the wintering sky. Where are we supposed to go? Are they just supposed to stay there in the same place, curl up and waste away? Roses are like people, we tend to stay in the same places for long periods of time and end up not having much time. 

Roses sprout up and up throughout the spring time showing their vibrant colors to the sun with a bright smile on their face after a long cold winter. People do the same staring up at the clouds in the sky and breathing in the fresh oxygen that the earth is giving off.

A basic flower with such a strong meaning of love and happiness. These flowers bring joy to people on the hardest days just like people do for each other. 

All in all, roses and humans are not too different. Helping others out when they need it, wanting to be independent and left alone, and overall working together for a common goal.  

The author's comments:

I wanted to use personification to show how similar people are to roses.

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