Christmas Talk | Teen Ink

Christmas Talk

May 30, 2023
By crazybird24 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
crazybird24 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One morning, before the kids woke up, 3 of their toys came to life. A truck, a plastic hammer, and a play kitchen began to speak.

“Aw man, it’s already 8:00!” The truck cried out.

“Well at least only 1 kid plays with you” barked the hammer, “I bet you that I’ve been hit on every inch of this place.”

“Well, I’ve been driven on every inch of this place!”

The kitchen calmed the other toys down. “Today is a special day. It’s Christmas. Each of the kids will open a new toy. The new ones will rotate in, and we’ll finally get a little break.”

 Thump, thump, thump! The kids were tumbling down the stairs squealing with excitement. Taking turns, the 3 kids ripped their presents open in the living room. 

“This can’t be good,” announced the hammer, who had been left on top of the kitchen. 

“What are you seeing up there?” Asked the toy truck from below.

“Nerf guns.”

The toys were filled with joy as they knew they would never be played with again. Peace at last.

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