Distraction | Teen Ink


February 14, 2023
By Anonymous

When Preston was just three years old and Hanna five, a police officer arrived at the door waiting to inform the family of, well now two, that there had been an accident and their mother had been involved.  As a knock is heard at the door, Hanna shouts. ‘’PRESTON WHO'S AT THE DOOR!’’ she yells while eating ice cream and watching tv. ‘’I DON'T KNOW’’ three year old Preston yells back as he is reading a book. 

Hanna gets up from the tv and walks to the door to open it to find a police officer. 

‘’Hello, is your father or anyone home’’ the sheriff asked. ‘’Nope just me and my little brother and were waiting for mom to get home.’’ Hanna relipe’s and Preston is now walking up to the door. 

‘’Oh well… i'm sorry but your mother has been in a terrible accident and has passed on’’ the officer informs them as he slowly removes his cap from his head with a longing face. 


Due to there no longer being a parent in the household, the children had been forced to go through foster care being sent to at least four different homes in four different states. 

They were finally able to settle in Washington DC. with two loving parents. With a dad who was at work 24-8 and stay at home mom who had to deal with a foster son who wanted her or his dad to take him driving so bad to helping hanna find the ‘’perfect dress’’ to a one year old name jackson born last year spitting up all over the place.

 And now during this brand new school year, Preston is practically running to his first new class which is you can guess is drivers ed. 

When he finally arrives at class he takes a seat in the front row but hears snickering behind him. ‘’Wow you were almost late teachers pet!’’ say no one other than his sister hanna who happened to be taking the class for the second time now which preston found odd. 

‘’Yeah i hope you didn't forget to bring the teacher his apple and class notes.’’ say hanna’s best friend luke who also happened to be taking the same class for a THIRD time again. Now of course Hannah and Luke had always teased Preston for basically being a ‘’goody two shoes’’ and never getting into any trouble. 

He would always take notes of what the teacher was saying and give them to the teacher afterward. He also almost every day since he’s gone to a school brought his teachers an apple because he believes they are what keeps the teacher smart which was a myth told by his sister. But when Hanna and Luke tease Preston it's only just jokes because deep down Hanna really loves Preston especially with everything they've been through together and Luke looks at Preston like a little brother. 

‘’You two could learn a thing or two from him considering your taking this class more than once.’’ the teacher said as he was writing his name on the board and as Preston looked back at then he smiled as Hanna sticks her tongue out at him.  


Preston Micheleson was an A+ student who loved to do new things but mainly excel in school and loved to study so of course around the time he turned 16 the next thing for him was learning how to drive.

His sister Hanna had already had her license but never drove as much. 

She always would ride with a friend or her best friend Luke to school or to a party or anywhere she needed or wanted to go to be honest.    

‘’Okay welcome, I am Mr. Band but that's funny because then people may wonder why I don't teach music.’’ he tried to joke but the class fell silent. 

‘’Ehem, anyway I am your Drivers Ed teacher and for the rest of the semester while your in here you will be learning how to drive both on paper and in an actual moving vehicle’’ he states 

‘’WOW I CAN'T WAIT TO LEARN HOW TO DRIVE I HOPE I DON'T CRASH’’ a student says loudly sitting in the back of the class but Preston and Hanna exchange looks at one another 

‘’Now I will be handing you a driver's guide book and I recommend that you read and study a chapter a night. Mr. Band says and Preston has the look of excitement and determination on his face as Mr. Band continues to teach. 

After school Luke took both Hanna and Preston home and Preston could not keep his nose out of his driver's book the whole way home.     

‘’Hey how was the first day of school?’’ their mom asked as Hanna and Preston both walk in the door. 

‘’It was awesome look at this book it is literally the key for me to become the most successful driver ever.’’ Preston exclaimed 

‘’ oh wow i be- ugh your brother is crying again it's like i can't catch a break.’’ their mom says with a sigh as she goes tends to Jackson. 

 As Preston sits down on the couch not looking up once from his book, Hanna plops down next to him with a bag of potato chips. 

‘’You know, you don't need to read that book to be a good driver. I mean look at me I never even opened mine and I drive pretty great.’’ hanna stated as she shoves a handful of chips in her mouth. 

‘’No offense, but you're taking the same class AGAIN so you're the last person I would ask advice from when it comes to driving.’’ Preston sasses still not turning away from his book leaving Hanna in shock at what he just said and snatches the bag of chips and storms off. 

The next day of school during third period in drivers Ed, everyone in class was outside staring at a 2022 Honda Accord as Mr. Band was explaining how they would use the car during class. 

‘’During class we will take three people at a time to use the car and I will be in the front seat and no phones are allowed.’’ and as Mr. band said that everyone agreed. 

Over the next couple of weeks everyone was studying for a mini quiz and also going out with mr. band to drive just around the block, however the big drivers test was coming when everyone would take turns driving the car without Mr. Bands guidance just to see how they were with the physical driving process and today May 23, 2023 was that day the same day long ago that Preston and Hannas mom passed away with it now being 11 years since. 

‘’Ok Preston you're up’’ Mr Band calls out as Preston shoots up from his seat prepared and ready. 

‘’ Hanna and Luke, you guys will be next so come on and ride in the back seat’’ Mr. Band says also. They all go outside and Preston gets in the driver's seat adjusting it and Mr. Band gets in the passenger seat and Luke and Hanna get in the back of the car. ‘’Ok Preston, you are one of my most excellent drivers so I doubt you'll have any trouble. Preston smiles and then looks toward the road with confidence and puts the car in drive and pushes on the gas and the car goes along the straight road. 

‘’You know you could drive a little faster’’ hanna tease preston as luke coughs up a chuckle 

‘’Hey guys this is serious, this is a test and speeding is the number one thing killing teeagers today.’’ Mr. Band warns 

‘’I'm just saying it would make the time sitting in this backseat go by much faster I seriously feel like a grandpa is driving right now’’ Hanna says while laughing 

‘’Hanna leave me alone unlike you i take things seriously.’’ Preston snarls as his eyes get more intense on the road 

‘’ Pfft please, P take things way more seriously than you do in fact if you pull over i'll show you how a real driver drives’’ Hanna sasses back. 

‘’HANNA PLEASE!’’ Mr. Band shouts so preston can focus

‘’YOU KNOW WHAT HANNA I CAN'T STAND YOU ALWAYS MAKING FUN OF ME’!’. Preston shouts while starting to swerve a little 


‘’BOTH OF YOU KNOCK IT OUT NOW!’ Mr. Band yells 

‘’GUYS LOOK OUT!’’ Luke shouts. 

‘’I wanna say something that will be the most important thing you will ever hear when it comes to driving’’ mr. Band says as he gets everyone's attention in class with Preston sitting upright the most eager to hear what he has to say. 

‘’When it comes to drive while yes it is important to never speed it is also important to never drive distracted because in doing so…’’

The car flips over and over and goes down hill and keeps flipping with glass shattering everywhere. 

‘’The results will be…. Fatal’’ 

The car stops and eventually is dead silent with the ambulance showing up 20 minutes later 

‘’Yeah we a have a 18 year old male, a 17 year old female, and a 43 year old male still breathing but unconscious but 16 year old male who it seems was driving but is unresponsive and not breathing.’’ the EMT reports 

‘’MOM MOM MOM I WANNA DRIVE ME NEXT’’ three year old Preston shouts as he is sitting in the backseat in a carseat after being picked up from a friends house 

‘’Preston hun, no yelling besides your to young to drive’’ Prestons mom says with a laugh 


‘’Sweetheart, one day you will drive but it takes practice and patience and focus and you must have all three or well……. 

‘’Well what mom’’ Preston questions.  

But he never got an answer… at least until being distracted……..  

The author's comments:

this short story is about a boy who wants to learn how to drive very badly but being distracted has especially on the road has consequences. 

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