Different | Teen Ink


January 11, 2023
By EmilyBlue BRONZE, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
EmilyBlue BRONZE, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He was as tall as a giraffe, and his voice was as loud as a lion's roar. Everyone was scared of him and avoided him. But in truth, the tall and scary person was just a boy that had a loud voice and was born with big limbs. His name was Anthony and he was alone. He hated being alone but no matter how hard he tried to make friends with the other kids his age they always screamed and ran away. This made Anthony very sad. He had to sit alone at lunch and play by himself at recess. Until the new student came along, she was shorter than everyone in their class with bright blonde hair that was always in pigtails and had a gap between her two front teeth that she could whistle with. Her name was Hannah. Hannah was a social butterfly in their classroom and everyone wanted to be her friend. Including Anthony. But Anthony was scared to greet her; he didn't want her to be scared of him like everyone else. So he stayed to the back of the crowd and never spoke to her until one day Hannah approached him with a box of legos. “Would you like to play legos with me?” said Hannah, finishing with a wide grin. Anthony looked at her with wide eyes of course he wanted to play with her but he didn't want to scare her with his loud voice that many characterized as yelling. Hannah realized his reluctance to respond and said “You don't have to if you don’t want to but you're sitting here all alone and that makes me sad”.  Hannah looked at him with her wide grin still on her face and he gained the courage to finally answer. “YES I WOULD LIKE TO PLAY WITH YOU,” said the timid Anthony. She didn’t respond for a few seconds and Anthony was worried that he had scared her with his voice and began to look down in shame. But she answered with an impossibly more giant smile. “Then come on we're playing over here” she happily exclaimed to Anthony and pulled him along. That day Anthony played with Hannah and her friends and had the best day. The other kids at first were still scared of Anthony but Hannah helped warm them up to him and they gradually were less afraid and included Anthony in all their games for the rest of the year. 

The author's comments:

This piece tell the story of Anthony who is discluded based off his looks 

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