No Tittle | Teen Ink

No Tittle

December 13, 2022
By sydbear182 SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
sydbear182 SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Future Self,

Hello, this is your seventeen year old self on December 5th 2022, and I have a lot of questions for you. First off, are we happy? Do we get to do what we love? Do we have a husband and kids? Do we have a really big house? Sorry about all the questions. I am just so curious as to what my future is going to look like. 

On June 27, 2023 you leave to go to the military. It’s going to be very challenging on you physically and mentally but it's worth it when it comes to doing something you love. I really hope that when we grow up we still have the same compassion for others as we do right now. Wanting to be able to help anyone and everyone that we can. That's why I really thought the military was going to be able to help me decide what I want to do when I'm older. In all honesty I am very scared about the future. Being able to serve our country and have the opportunity to help others in ways not many people can experience is exciting and nerve racking at the same time. 

You're going to be a construction engineer when you are in the Army. Four years of your life you are going to be spending digging up holes, moving heavy stuff around, and driving really big machines. To me right now that honesty sounds like hell. There is nothing that sounds fun or exciting when you hear that. 

The FBI is currently my dream job. Being able to see the action and be in the action and catch the bad guys and being able to solve the crimes and help people get the justice they need. I really hope that one day after your Army we are going to be able to accomplish that goal. It's going to be hard work and strength to get it done. But the sound of being able to see the crimes in person and figure out someone mentally and stop them from being in the wrong. It all just sounds so exciting and thrilling. 

Sitting at a desk sounds like the worst job anyone could ever have. It just seems so boring and our ADD cannot handle that. If we end up in a desk making no money and absolutely hating our job I am going to be very disappointed with our future self. You need to be able to move around and get the exercise you need, the excitement, and the stress. I just really hope that some day in the future you look back at me, your seventeen year old self, and say how I was worrying about nothing, and how it was stupid to be so stressed out about everything. 

All in all your real life is going to start on June 27th 2023, and that's when things are going to be hard and I know that they are. Me being scared is not going to do anything. Future self I hope that I find my way to get to what I truly love and desire. Helping people, becoming an FBI agent, being in action and so much thrill. Do we make it? Are we alive and well to be able to read this letter? I sure hope so because there is so much I can do in this world. I hope we have a great life doing great things and have the most perfect family. 


Younger Self 

The author's comments:

This piece is a letter to my future self about my dream career and what I am wishing for when I get older. 

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