The Perfect Place | Teen Ink

The Perfect Place

November 4, 2022
By PerfectWater BRONZE, Cupertino, California
PerfectWater BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The water is as clear as the sky, and tastes pure, it's perfect just the way I like it. The fruits grow in bunches, more than I can eat. But no one knows about this place, so it's for me. The fruits are big and round, and ripe and soft, it's perfect just the way I like it. The trees are thick and tall, and give me shade when I need it, they’re perfect just the way I like them. The sky changes color here and there, and gives me rain when I need it, it's perfect just the way I like it. But there is no one. No one to make me laugh, smile, or relax. There’s nothing. Nothing that's mine. I never wanted to have nothing and no one. I never wanted to be alone. But this place is perfect just the way I like it. 

The author's comments:

This set piece is made to make people imagine how they would feel if they find the perfect place. In this set piece I am exploring the literary techniques of Mood and Epistrophe. Mood is the general feeling that the writer wants the audience to have. I create mood in my piece by explaining the setting and setting up the situation of the scene, letting the reader know what the character's situation is in the piece. Epistrophe is when a repeated word or phrase appears at the end of statements. You can see Epistrophe in the piece when I repeat the phrase “it's perfect just the way I like it” at the end of the majority of sentences. The thing that I like the most about the piece is how I leave the reader to figure out most things on their own, like who “I” is, and what place I am talking about throughout the piece. 

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