Beware The Batman | Teen Ink

Beware The Batman

October 28, 2022
By Anonymous

The car was eerily silent as Kurt and his fellow three gang members rode through the streets of Gotham. The only sound was the engine, windshield wipers, and the rain pounding on the roof of the car. "So what are we after anyways?" Said Michael who was in the passenger seat. "We're after some money and some explosives, Sionis had a stash of em locked away somewhere hidden in the walls." Said Jason who was seated next to Kurt. They pulled off onto a backroad that wasn't very well maintained and the road became bumpy. Kurt looked out the window but could only make out some blurry shapes through the rain and the sudden light was almost blinding when they passed under the street lights. The car began to slow and they pulled into the abandoned back lot of the Sionis steel mill. 

They parked close and all pulled up their hoods, Kurt and Michael untucked the duffel bags from under their seats and Jason grabbed a bag with a couple of tools. When Kurt opened his door the sound of the rain amplified tenfold, if Gotham had one thing going for it, it was that plant life could run rampant in this sh*thole of a city. Kurt and the 3 men jogged under the awning over the back door. Jason pulled a saw out of the bag, it was yellow and covered in grease, but the blade was almost in mint condition. Jason lifted the saw and pressed down on the trigger and the blade spun into action, but the sound could barely be heard over the pounding rain. Jason put the blade to where the door handle was and sparks began to fly around like there was a dragon inside of the machine spitting fire into the metal. Jason pulled back the saw and pulled on the door handle, at first it wouldn't budge. Jason yanked on it and the door swung open barely missing Fred, their driver. "Watch where you swing that thing, man!" He yelled over the rain. "Watch where you're standin knucklehead!" Jason yelled. "Guys shut up and get a move on!" Michael yelled. They all nodded and walked into the building.


They were met with a dark backroom when they entered, the only light was coming from the door they had just walked through, and it only slightly illuminated their surroundings. Kurt reached over to the light switch and gave it a few flicks, but nothing, "No power." Said Kurt. "No sh*t Kurt." Said Jason. They all pulled out their small flashlights and walked through the other door. They walked into the main smelting chamber and looked around. "We should be looking for an office." Said Fred. Kurt began to go up onto the multi-level catwalk He climbed the ladder onto the second catwalk and started to feel uneasy, he felt like someone was watching his every move, as if he had a set of eyes on him at all times, as though he was being stalked. He looked around and up at the rafters and couldn't see anything... or at least he thought so. He climbed up onto the final catwalk and walked over to the small room at the top. He tried the door but it wouldn't move, he peered into the window on the door and saw there was a small grate on the ceiling of the room. He stuffed the light into his pocket and jumped, grabbing onto the edge of the ceiling. With all his strength he pulled himself up and threw up his leg and pulled up his other leg. He reached into his pocket and fished out the flashlight and shined it on the grate. He stuck his fingers through the holes and pulled up, it came up easily and was hinged on the other side. He pushed it over and let himself drop into the room. When he landed he kicked up a large amount of dust causing him to cough and wave his hand in front of his face he looked around the room after the dust settled and saw an abundance of office supplies, abnormally large stacks of paper on desks, and numerous filing cabinets. He walked over to the door and opened it. "Hey, guys I think I found the office, come up the catwalks!" Kurt yelled down to the others.

The others rushed up the catwalks and all walked through the door into the office. "We're looking for a discolored tile." Said Fred. "Sooo maybe this slightly darker tile in the middle of the wall." Said Jason. "More than likely." Said Michael. The walls were metal but were separated into smaller panels like the black and white floors of a diner and one of those tiles happened to be slightly darker than the others. "Well get to cutting then." Said Fred to Jason. Jason pulled out the saw again and pushed it into the wall causing a flurry of sparks to erupt from the saw. He pulled it downwards and then pulled it out and reinserted the saw sideways at the top of the cut, he proceeded to cut out the square panel. Once he finished cutting out the panel he set the saw aside and pushed the top, and the bottom proceeded to pop out he grabbed onto the bottom and pulled out the panel. Low and behold there was an abundance of money and a stack of explosives. Kurt and Michael began shuffling money and explosives into the duffel bags, there wasn't much but enough to make the weight noticeable. 


Once they got everything they began to head out, Fred was at the front and Kurt followed behind, Michael was behind Kurt, and Jason was at the end. They got to the first level catwalk when a sudden loud woosh sounded around the large room, They spun around and Jason wasn't in the back anymore. Kurt's stomach did a flip and he was suddenly stiffened by fear. "Jason! Where the hell are you man!" Michael yelled out to no response. " I got a bad feeling about this, Let's just go." Said Kurt. They all went down the ladder onto the ground floor and started walking towards the door when all of a sudden a large shadowy figure dropped down onto Fred. "AH!!" Fred screamed as he went down. The figure raised its shadowy fist and brought it down hard into Fred's skull. Kurt stood frozen in fear, in awe of what was happening before him. Michael took off running for the door. The creature spun around and shot something at Michael, it stuck to him like a piece of gum. The creature turned around and stared into Kurt's soul. Kurt stood wide-eyed mouth gaping in awe, horror, and fear. The creature slowly approached him and grabbed him around the throat. Kurt grabbed at the black mass of an arm around his neck gasping for air. "Who do you work for?!" Yelled the creature. Kurt was in so much shock he struggled to find words... and air. Then lightning struck outside illuminating the room through the skylight. There it was right in front of him... The Batman, The Dark Grey bat symbol on his chest the all-black suit that was still able to show muscle, the all-white eyes, to Kurt this was a horror he could not comprehend, his mind began to spiral and his thoughts began to jumble together moving at the speed of a bullet train. Kurt opened his mouth and said something, but he was so stunned by the sight that he could not understand what had come out of his mouth. But The Batman must have understood. The Batman stared, his eyes narrowed but didn’t blink. The Batman dropped Kurt to the floor. Kurt sat up, crawled into a corner and curled into a ball, and began to rock back and forth with his head between his knees, trying to unsee the horror that was...The Batman.

The author's comments:

I made this as the intro to one of my stories for Batman, but it works as a great piece to convey the fear/horror that Batman instills into the criminals of Gotham

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