Still Not There | Teen Ink

Still Not There

September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

Julie's night became chaotic when her husband, Tony, did not show up for dinner. She called his phone multiple times and was always sent to voicemail. Her heart felt uneasy like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Many scenarios started running through her head since this was very unusual of him. Was he in a car crash? Or maybe he was kidnapped. It was two in the morning and there was still no sight of Tony. Her vision was black just thinking about all the endless possibilities that could’ve happened. Her eyes grew heavier and heavier by the second, so she decided to fall asleep. Hoping that upon waking up Tony would be by her side. 

Once she awakened she felt around the bed only to notice Tony’s presence was nowhere to be found. Out of desperation, Julie called Tony’s family and friends wishing someone knew something about his whereabouts. Not one soul had heard from him, so she knew that going to the authorities was her last resort. They informed her that the only thing she could do was patiently wait until twenty-four hours passed by to make a missing persons report. Julie was enraged by the minimal effort put in. 

After the unsympathetic conversation with the police, she decided to drive home. Once again hoping she would see Tony. The five minute car ride back to her residence felt like an eternity. She checked every crevice of her house, and Tony was still not there. Julie knew thinking about the situation every five seconds was not going to help at all since it was a matter of waiting. She decided to clear her mind by cleaning. Although it wouldn't help much, she knew it would be better than nothing. She started by picking up their bedroom, and she found a key laying next to his side of the bed. Julie immediately knew it was probably used to open a safe in the closet that she was prohibited from opening. Julie knew she could lose Tony’s trust by viewing whatever was in there, but she was willing to do anything to find her husband. She stood anxiously in front of the safe contemplating if she's making the right decision. She came to the conclusion that it was for the best if she opened it, so she inserted the key and turned it slowly to the right until she heard the click. Julie was surprised to see a stack of papers. She was very hesitant, but she grabbed the first paper at the very top and began reading. She soon realized she held a contract in her hands which specified what he could and couldn't do. She was quite clueless as to what it all meant at first, but she soon grasped it belonged to the SSA, Secret Spy Agency. Julie was petrified with what she just found out. She became as pale as a ghost. A feeling of betrayal ran through her body. He had kept a secret from her for so long that she began to question everything he did and said. Was his name actually Tony? Did he ever spy on Julie? Was marrying her part of a plan? There were so many questions running through her mind, yet nobody answered them. In the safe there were also many case files, which she stayed up hours reading. Every single detail on the papers were analyzed carefully by Julie. She couldn’t believe what she read. She was furious with herself for never suspecting anything. Also in the safe there was a folder that had confidential written on top. She decided to open it, and found multiple different Identity documents that each contained a different set of information. She started to frantically search the room for anything else, but had no luck. Right when she was about to give up she found a red button underneath his bedside table, which she decided to press. She realized that once she pressed the button his side of the closet opened up. She thought she was closer to finding Tony every second that passed, but that feeling was soon crushed. She found a padlock waiting for a code to be inserted. She tried many sequences and they were all incorrect. Finally she inserted her mother-in-law’s birthday and the little light turned green and allowed for the  hidden door to be pushed open. She turned on the light and realized it wasn’t a regular light, but instead it was a blacklight. Julie was amazed at how many computers there could be in a tiny room, but once again a password was needed and she knew there was no way she would guess it. Then a whiteboard positioned in the corner of the room caught her eye because there was nothing written on it. Julie had a gut feeling, so she decided to check behind the board. To her surprise she found a paper that had glowing numbers and letters on it. In the room Tony would only write with invisible ink to keep his work confidential. On the paper were written some coordinates, and when she put them in Google Maps it gave her directions to what seemed like an abandoned office. 

She ran out of her house and into her car as fast as possible. The office was fifty minutes away, but she didn’t care as long as she found her husband. Once she got there, she entered and realized there were only two rooms. The first room was empty while the second one had a desk with a letter on top of it. She slowly walked up to the letter, opened it, and began reading it.

“Dear Julie,

This is definitely not how I wanted you to find out. I know you have many questions for me right now, and I wish I was there to answer them. I want you to know that I never meant to leave you, but I had to if I wanted to protect you. Yes, I am part of a spy agency. I was in it before I met you, but I couldn’t tell you because it was specified in the contract that I couldn't tell anyone. As to why I left, I was recently on a mission that led me to very dangerous people. They found out I  was spying on them and threatened to harm you.. I hope you understand I never intended for any of this to happen. I am safely hiding, but for now I think It’s best if we keep our space. I'm sorry.

Love, Tony”

Julie’s heart ached reading the letter, but she knew Tony had a point about distancing themselves for a while. She had many hopes, and him being safe was one. Because one of her hopes came true, she knew the rest would also. Her vision was now as clear as the sky.

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