August 2022 Fiction Contest: Pineapple Sherbet | Teen Ink

August 2022 Fiction Contest: Pineapple Sherbet

August 26, 2022
By reeuh BRONZE, Fullerton, California
reeuh BRONZE, Fullerton, California
3 articles 0 photos 8 comments

The only thing Rose craved is her mom’s special pineapple sherbet made from fresh pineapples from the farmer’s market down the street. 

The only thing that helped her cool down in the blistering Arizona heat.

The only thing that her mom knew how to make without somehow blowing up the kitchen.

Now, hot days do not exist. 

Now, Rose shrivels into the chair next to the window, drinking bitter black coffee, watching the snow slowly start to melt, waiting for the blistering Arizona heat to make its return. 

But this time, she doesn’t crave pineapple sherbet. She just craves her mom.


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