Alone in the Ballroom | Teen Ink

Alone in the Ballroom

May 11, 2022
By Anonymous

A lavish room full of people in top hats and fine linen suits, chandeliers, dance floors, mountains of wine bottles. They gather in clumps and talk amongst themselves, their tight white gloves have an even tighter grasp on their glasses of expensive wine. The women wear scarves of wool so fresh you can still hear the sheep they stripped it from. The men’s eyes dart around and lock on the women there like a wolf stalking its prey. The chandelier hung above the ballroom shimmers and reflects the moonlight into the vista, an esteemed clean floor so much so you could eat a full five course meal on it. However within this room there is a fifteen foot tall monster, its arms hanging and dragging on the floor, its mouth agape and drooling, boils and bumps line its body. Everyone in the room ignores it. The monster stands there in the corner of the room as the party continues, the lights reflecting off its Beady eyes. The creature weaves itself between the tables of people looking at them, they continue to ignore it. The creature’s eyes start to well up because it’s been ignored all night with tears in its eyes one of the men shuts it up. It stumbles back into a table knocking over the wine onto the white tablecloth. After that all eyes in the room lock directly at the creature. They all begin to yell at it and release verbal garbage directly at it. It rears its head back and knocks over an ice statue of a swan. The statue shatters into a million pieces upon the floor.  Once it all fell apart the creature looks around the room and sees everyone going back to their business as if nothing happened. It begins to crawl around the room and it crawls it’s way closer and closer to people trying to get their attention yet they stand there ignoring it completely. It’s as if there’s a barrier blocking them from seeing it completely, As it lurks around it rears its head back and yells into one of the faces of the party goers. They all look at it as if it isn’t there once again when one of them purse their lips and bring their finger to their lips, shushing it. They wipe themselves clean with napkins made of the finest cloth then throw it away like a common rag. It lurks closer to a table and looks at it for a moment before smashing it deliberately into pieces. The men and women of the party once again attack it with more might than before. It begins to cry enough to flood the room, one of the members walks up and plugs its eyes with a bottle cork and it begins to cry but no tears come out. The men return to their business as usual as the creature rears back in pain, it releases a blood curdling scream, once it does the people around it all try to get it to be silent. The party rages onward throughout the night, people dance, drinks are bad, toasts are made, the night is young. Meanwhile the creature sits back into its corner trying to get attention, no one in the room pays it any mind. The creature remembers that every time it would cause a ruckus and any of the business within the party it would get the attention it needed to get help, so it decides to make them notice it. It sludges it’s way over to the nearest table and rips the table cloth off knocking the bottles off the table. Then it starts to flip tables around the room. As it does this the people in the room are blowing smoke out of their ears, they start to throw everything they have in their hand at the beast. It continues its rampage through the room. Smashing more tables, it throws a table into the bar sending the bottles of wine cascading down the shelves. Millions of glass shards coat the room, it continues to try to reason but all it can do is scream and no one listens, it’s eyes unclog and it begins to cry again this time the flood is too extreme. No one is able to clog it and everyone has stopped attacking and now hides under tables and behind chairs. The room floods up when someone opens a window leading to the water flowing out of the window like a giant shimmering waterfall of water and wine. Splinters of wood poke out of the floor. The creature walks up to a group of people cowering before it when one of the men uses a shattered wine glass to slash the creature's face. One of the men stood up before it and screamed at it “You freak! You’re crazy! You’ve disrupted our party and disrespected our time for the last time!” As he’s screaming a person comes up from behind and stabs it in the back with a shard of the broken glass. The monster falls forward and lands on the screaming man. The man is crushed like a bug under a shoe. Everyone gasps as the creature lifts itself up. It rises back to its feet and looks at the people cowering in fear and realizes what it’s done. A loud crack is heard, everyone looks up and the chandelier falls. A beautiful canopy of light crashes down upon the beast crushing it. The party goers all look at it, a moment of silence before loud cheering. One person goes over to a telephone and dials a number, after a moment several smaller monsters strut into the room and begin to sweep up the floor. They mop and clean the floors back to the pristine

The author's comments:

This was a personal piece about mental health

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