Paranoia | Teen Ink


March 8, 2022
By -----Jacob----- BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
-----Jacob----- BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

        “Hello?”, “This is Greg from the SSA, remember we spoke about a week ago about that abandoned property on that dirt road by the forest preserve?”, “Yes, but I haven’t gone over there in a while so I don’t know the condition of the building.” Greg tried to convince the man to let the team go over to the building to check it out but he didn’t budge. “Well call us if you change your mind.”, “Ok bye.” Greg sat there disappointed, he went into his office to go over legal documents because of a lawsuit he got from one of his clients. “I might have to put this out of business”, he thought to himself. As he was contemplating moving out of the country the phone rang.” WE NEED YOUR TEAM HERE IMMEDIATELY!”, Greg shot up with excitement,” Don’t worry we’ll be there as soon as possible”, he packed the van and told everyone to meet him at that location 3 hours away.

        As he drove over there he had the guy on the phone for several minutes as Greg was driving in and out the dead zones causing the calls to go out, but from what he was able to hear the guy claimed he was being “attacked by something unknown in there as he was trying to organize some stuff out. Greg was intrigued now as he had a “severe case” as he liked to call it. He arrived and when he went up to the gate entrance it required a password so he had to ring the guy up.”Hey, what’s the password for the entrance gate?”, “What are you talking about?”, said the owner. “The gate requires a password, can you tell us so we can begin?”, “I never installed a password to that gate.”, “What do you mean?”, “What I mean is if there is a password there I think that’s a big sign to get out of there.” Greg putting aside his better judgment said, “Well we’re going in.” As they were busting the gate they heard shuffling and twigs breaking, they became very aware of their surroundings and they all suggested the team go home, but Greg objected and said, “No we’re this close we can’t leave now.” Everyone else had packed up though and headed back to base but Greg stayed and managed to get the gate open and entered the property.

        As he walked around the sun was starting to set, Greg pulled out his flashlight and started looking around for anything suspicious or paranormal. He found the building that the owner had mentioned and instantly ran over there when he got to the building he looked at it in awe. Then he heard sirens and then all of a sudden there were cops arresting him and was being taken to the car. The owner was there and said, “Holy crap I’m so sorry mate, I thought you all left and when I heard footsteps and saw shadows I freaked out and called the police.”, “No it’s ok I just swore I saw someone else in the building, but when police went searching in there they didn’t find anyone or any sign of life in there. It seemed like the second floor is nearly collapsing and the walls are dusty and old. Once the police informed them about this unusual discovery they left. That just left Greg and the owner, “Are you sure you saw something in there?” said the owner. “Yes, I saw something in there and it looked like a person.” Then he proceeded to point at the second-floor window. “But that’s impossible”, the owner said, “the floorboards in that room are near collapsing, there is no way a normal-sized person would be able to step on them without falling through.” “You know what that means?”, Greg said with a smile, “No”, “It means that it has to be something paranormal.” “Oh come on what are you gonna do about it? Your team isn’t here and your skills are far from other paranormal investigators like Ghost Adventures or whatever.” “Oh don’t worry sir we will have this entire facility explored and investigated and we’ll find the cause of all these strange occurrences here. I and my team will be here tomorrow night to spend the night and take readings and set up security equipment.” “Ok but please don’t mess anything up in there. I will not hesitate to sue your establishment.” “No worries Mr. Johnson, we’ll be very careful with the building and artifacts.” Greg left that day satisfied with his offer and planned for what was about to come tomorrow.

Log 1: August 15, 2018

This is Greg with the first day of Project: Paranormal Asylum or PPA for short and we are initiating Phase 1 of the project. So far we’ve just arrived and we are setting up our equipment and leaving some guys in charge while we are gone. There hasn’t been very much activity yet, just the typical creepy noises and doors barely moving by themselves. But I will update as soon as I can.

Log 2: August 20, 2018

Greg again, last time I left a message I mentioned how there wasn’t much activity, well a couple of days later we got a report of someone being attacked in the building while taking night shifts. He said that it was “invisible” but he still felt the force, Many people didn’t believe him but honestly, it creeped me out a little bit. After that, more people reported seeing entities walking around, but they mostly walk around at night and attack the guard. I plan to stay the night here in a couple of days and see this for myself. Anyways I’ll write another one when I do take the shift. 

Log 3: August 23, 2018

I am here now and it is about 2 am I’ve already started to see stuff in the camera and the motion detector is detecting movement upstairs. I am freaked out I am hearing stuff around me. I also am starting to feel very cold which is strange because I don’t even have the A/C on. Look I think this was a mistake I am sorry to all my employees that had to suffer through this. I might not make it but I appreciate everyone that has helped me out. Goodbye, everyone, I hope you al-


The End

The author's comments:

It was one of the first long essays that I completely came up with.

Please leave constructive criticism so I can improve on my next writing.

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