One Final Play | Teen Ink

One Final Play

May 21, 2009
By Justin Stevens SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Justin Stevens SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is the one I will remember for eternity. I am the one who must execute it perfectly. One final play that will define my greatness among the stars before me. One final play in a season of over a thousand, which now all seem insignificant. One final play that has the power to grant greatness…or leave me here in utter nothingness.

Its design is secret. Its greatness comes from its ability to fool and trick the attackers. It allows time to stand still for the executer as he decides what to do. It is flawlessly drawn up and was created for success. For that is exactly what is required of it now.

When victory seems too high of a goal, when hope and inspiration are lost, one final play will make itself evident as the answer. One final play to make a name for itself. One final play to show the world how to keep fighting


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