The Endless Trial | Teen Ink

The Endless Trial

January 19, 2022
By Anonymous

The verdict was in… after eight hours of waiting. As the jury came back I saw Mrs. Tiger’s face, there were rolls underneath her eyes from all the crying she did earlier. The jury stood up, “We declare that Mrs. Tiger is guilty of the murder of Johnny!”

As Mrs. Tiger started to fall to her knees, her son, Tim said, “I’ll see you soon mom.” After the words left his mom he realized, “I’ll never get to see my mom again.”

Mrs. Tiger got up from her knees and whispered to him, “I love you, and I’m sorry I wasn’t a good mother to you.” Tim began to cry wishing this was just a dream, but unfortunately, it was his new reality. His mom suddenly was led into the sliver door next to the judge.

Still devastated Tim stood in the same position as earlier when he said goodbye to his mom. As he stopped crying he realized everyone from the audience already left, he really was all alone now…

The guards told Tim, “it’s time to go now, kid.” But the thing was he had nowhere to go now. As he walked away from the guards he felt his tears sliding down his face as he ran out of the courtroom. WIthout watching where he was going he hit Mrs. King, his math teacher, and she gave him a big hug. Startled at first, he tried pushing away, but then he stopped trying to get away and let her help.

Mrs. King was like Ms. Honey in Matilda, she was caring, kind, and understanding. With everything going on in his life she always was there for him. Tim should’ve guessed that she would be there for him on such a heartbreaking day like today. After hugging for a few minutes, they let go and she invited him to stay with her. He began to cry again, but this time it was happy tears he said, “yes” to Mrs. King’s offer and suddenly the feeling of loneliness vanished. 

Months later, Mrs.Tiger still was in jail, but things for Tim were looking better. Mrs. King and Tim moved to a different town to have a new start, and it worked! He made new friends and finally wasn’t getting messed with.  Since at his old school kids use to bully him. Even though life was turning around for him there was still a small hole in his life. Not being with his mom. 

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