The Deal | Teen Ink

The Deal

January 19, 2022
By Dylan_Steinhauser SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Dylan_Steinhauser SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You were walking on the beach sore and questioning life. While walking a damaged yet sturdy piece of paper appeared in the corner of your tear-filled eyes. You curiously pick up the piece of paper and words start appearing. 

“If you are reading this message then you are lost in life. You’re worrying about the future and regretting the past, but let’s say I could improve your present self so your past won’t matter and your future will look better. If you agree to this then some random person you don’t know and will never know will die. No one will know who or why that person died including himself. Do we have a deal?” 

You feel very confused but a bit hopeful. You think to yourself, Surely this is fake or some dumb joke but honestly, things aren’t doing the best so it could use this deal. 

You then say out loud, “Sure I accept this deal.” 

“Great! I will now start improving the relations with your friends, family, and your lover. You also will be getting a good amount of money so you’re financially set for life. With that, I’ll also improve your overall physical and mental health. Well, it was nice making a deal with you but I have to get going now. I have some person you don’t know and will never know to make a deal with. Bye!” 

The dirty old paper then vanished from your hands while you stand there even more lost in life.

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