Different | Teen Ink


January 6, 2022
By Anonymous

Dear Diary,

This is...different. One day I’m chilling in the comfort of my childhood home and the next day I’m packing it all up and saying goodbye. The past week has been a rollercoaster and after a full week of driving across the country in a stuffy car, we have arrived at our new place. The drive was not that bad, we got to stop by at a lot of sights along the way, like the world’s biggest peanut, and that drive through dinosaur exhibit. I did get carsick a lot though. But it was nothing a nap couldn’t fix. But, now we’re finally here. The new house that my parents have been raving about for the past few months. My new...home. It’s weird calling it that.

 I grew up in Florida, said my first words, took my first steps, learned how to ride a bike, learned how to swim. All in my childhood home. But now I’m here in this unknown territory in San Francisco. I wonder who last made their childhood memories here? I opened the door of the house for the first time and I gotta admit, I was sort of underwhelmed. It’s different than I imagined. My parents have been hyping this place up, telling me how grand it was going to be. But it was smaller, dustier, mustier… oh look there is a dead mouse in the corner (ew). My dad quickly kicked him out the front door and I began exploring a bit more. 

I quickly ran past the kitchen and up the narrow staircase to all the rooms. There were three bedrooms and one bathroom. The one straight ahead from the stairs was the master’s bedroom, where my parents are going to sleep, the one to the left of that was the guest bedroom, and the one to the right was mine. When I walked inside to what was going to be my bedroom, I instantly thought of mine at home. Wait… this is home now I guess. It was smaller than my room back in Florida, but it was taller. Hey, that means more poster space for me. I imagined how I would decorate my room and I must say it has a lot of untapped potential. Maybe San Francisco is not that bad. It may take some getting used to, but maybe I can make a home here. Ok it’s getting dark and I gotta sleep now (I am currently on an air mattress in my new room because the movers aren’t going to be here til tomorrow). Till next time Diary! 


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