Life in Utopia | Teen Ink

Life in Utopia

September 1, 2021
By bwilliams2007 BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
bwilliams2007 BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
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Favorite Quote:
"All Animals are equal but some animals are more equal that others"- Animal Farm
"In short: I felt my existence was tainted, in some subtle but essential way." - The Secret History

In an average house, in an average neighborhood, in a world that is completely average, a brown haired girl woke from a deep sleep, her blue eyes looking at the blank ceiling of the baby blue room. Alice Jackson was pretty ordinary, but if you look closely you can see her flinch as someone might if loud noises are coursing through your head and vibrations shake you around like a can of soda on the verge of explosion. This was life in Utopia. 

When she entered the kitchen her brother was already up. Now Alexander was a sight, or he would have been, but this was Utopia. The Chocolate haired boy was not that much different from his twin sister, but while she got the brains in the DNA draw, he definitely got everything else. He was handsome if not for the thick lensed glasses that covered his face and made his vision off, and thick baggy clothing that he wore throughout the day. He carried heavy weights that hung from his shoulders, 100 pounds to be precise. That might sound unusual to someone looking in from a different world or place, but as stated before this was Utopia and this was completely normal. 

Utopia is a word to describe a perfect society and that's exactly what it was. It’s stated that the governments of the previous world threw out their ideals and conjoined to become one worldwide government that worked together for complete equality. The word equality in most worlds centered around things of religion, politics, even race and gender. However in Utopia, equality was the cure to the disease that was vanity and jealousy. All problems in the previous societies stemmed from the causes of greed, and Utopia was made not to follow them on their path to destruction but to turn to the next page of peace and prosperity. Handicaps were created. Those that were too smart, dimmed down through loud sounds and vibrations, their minds mixed around like a stack of cards. Those that were too beautiful, hide themselves behind ugly covers such as facial attachments and baggy clothes. Those too talented are to be unknown and anonymous to prevent fame. The things that allow unequality among humans were to be diminished, and they were. Standing in its wake, the world of Utopia. The year 67 years PD(post destruction).

As Alice and her brother went to school that morning nothing was out of the ordinary. As they walked up to the double doors, the dull letters reading School District #47, they headed to Mrs.Caraway’s room. Mrs.Caraway was definitely above average. Bright braces, thick yellow glasses, and a bright red nose donning her face, while unbalenced  soled shoes caused her to wobble as she walked, and bright orange baggy clothes that solidified her everyday appearance. Her blonde hair and brown eyes, distorted by her lenses, gave away what her handicaps tried to hide, Mrs.Caraway was beautiful. She was also quite intelligent, having a vibration aid which jolted her every few minutes. Alice carried one too. The cell towers played giant vibrations every 15 minutes to scatter the thoughts of those that were smart to give others an advantage. Alice, being quite smart, also wore a hearing aid which limited her hearing and blared different noises in her ear every 10 minutes. If you are wondering what kind of noises, let’s just say the government was creative. 

As the siblings sat through Mrs.Caraway droning away, half the class flinched, including Alice. This time a round of shotguns charging through her head sounding as though in the heat of battle. “What did that sound like?” asked Alexander from beside her. He could tell it had been a bad one from the way his sister flinched at his voice. “Like thousands of guns sounding at once, shooting at imaginary targets that cover the sides of …” Alice had lost her thoughts, because of a loud and long vibration that shook students throughout the class. Alexander just turned back around. This was normal for everybody, especially him. He knew of his sister's intellect, and found what she had to say quite interesting. What had she been talking about? The subject had already slipped his mind. Something about targets he decided. “Were you talking about archery?” He asked his little sister. “I do not remember Alexander I don’t believe I was but after that vibration…”Alice trailed off again losing hold of her brain. 

Later in the day, on their way to lunch the two were chatting about homework and other things that popped into their head. All of the sudden,  a kid ran into the hallway and yelled out for everyone's attention. “Children of this school” he yelled “I am tired of all the rules and I believe that we have potential. We need to forget what the government is telling us. I am more powerful than them. I am the greatest!” Alice looked at her brother and shrugged. nobody knew what to think. Abandon the government? What would happen to our world? He then proceeded to take off all the chains and handicaps. Locking eyes with her brother, giving her brother a look of surprised horror. No one had seen anyone take off their handicaps. It was against the law. “Join Me, the first will become just as famous as me as we rebel against this world that has only limited us!” One other boy stepped up. He took off his glasses and his vibration aid and stepped up to the boy. 

Suddenly the murmuring stopped. The crowd split and Ms. Drew Banner was revealed stomping down the hallway at top speeds. It was now understood why the crowd fell silent. Mr. Banner was the enforcer of School District #47. She was a terrifying, stout woman in her mid-thirties. Her hair pulled into a bun so tight it looked painful. She had an expression on her face as if she smelled something awful and we were all covered in it. Everybody was scared of her because if she thought you were breaking the rules she would deal with you. Nobody wanted to be dealt with by Mr. Drew Banner. 

She walked up to the boys and shot them both with something from her hand. A gun so small I hadn't even noticed it. “Do not worry your pretty little heads, they are only asleep. They will be dealt with accordingly. I remind none of you to follow in their path.”Her raspy voice didn’t rise above a grim whisper but we still heard her. Children miles away could have heard her for the silence was unbearably quiet, no kid daring to breathe for fear of finding out what those bullets contained. “Go back to your classes”

Everyone started walking, Alice and Alexander hand in hand. Suddenly like a bomb, a noise filled her head and rushed out of her ears like water in a faucet. “What did that one sound like?” Alexander questioned. “It sounded like a screech that might come out of an animal, a chicken or...huh I don’t know anymore.”said Alice hesitantly. “It sure sounded loud.” said Alexander, breaking her from the thought. 

When they got back into class, the seat beside Alice was now empty. “Hey Alex, Who sat there?, wasn’t it some kid named James?” “James what” asked Alex from beside her “i don’t remember anybody by the name of James.” They both pulled out the geometry book and looked up to listen to Mrs.Caraway babble on about something. Flinching every little bit, sounds filling her ears with noise. 

Everyday just like the next, perfection at its finest. Not because they were perfect, but because they believed they were. I know it's different because I remember the names of the boys, James and Asher. Their names were forgotten along with many others, but this was just life in Utopia.

The author's comments:

This is a story about a world in the future, where everybody is equal in every way. What rights and freedoms do we lose when we create a worldwide equality? I worked very hard to write this story and enjoyed writing it. My name is Bailee and I love writing and reading about topics like my story. 

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