Interviews of Princess Bride Characters | Teen Ink

Interviews of Princess Bride Characters

May 17, 2021
By sstephens BRONZE, Brierfield, Alabama
sstephens BRONZE, Brierfield, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Interview of Inigo with Fezzik sitting next to him.

What do you think is your best characteristic and why?

Inigo: I think my best characteristic is my determination. My determination allowed me to kill the six fingered man and avenge my father. My determination caused me to spend 20 years of my life training my sword, my speed, and my combat. All of that was caused by my determination. Those are the reasons why I believe that my determination is my strongest characteristic.

Fezzik: I think that may also be your weakest characteristic.

What do you think is your worst characteristic and why?

Inigo: I think my brain is my worst enemy because it denies me of any planning that is worth carrying out. This can severely endanger my life and the lives of the men with me. This would drastically affect my ability to kill the six-fingered man. This would also cause me to fail my father again. I mustn't fail him again. I must kill the six-fingered man.

How did you feel when you entered the Zoo of death versus when you exited?

Inigo: When we were entering this strange place we were slightly disturbed but we were there for “The Man in Black”. So, we needed to be in high spirits and we were until we saw the third floor and the snake. Fezzik did a nice job with that but the fourth floor really did something to him. The bats on the fourth floor were easy enough to handle. When we got to the last floor and saw Westley’s corpse we were greatly discouraged but then I remembered the Miracle Man. When we exited we were saddened by the loss of The Man in Black but were encouraged by his hopeful return.

Fezzik: Yes I am not so bright and you are not either. So, good thing you thought to get The Man in Black.

Did you notice the “most dangerous” level’s creature?

Inigo: No, no I did not notice any creatures on the fifth level. But, sadly I need to clean my boot as I seem to have stepped on a spider. But, surely that little spider wasn’t the best they could offer. It was almost completely removed from my memory. Shows you how insignificant that little spider was. But, surely they would have had a monstrous lion or bear or something. 

Fezzik: Inigo I don’t agree with you there. I am scared of those little things they hurt but are hard to hurt. Inigo good thing you were there.

Why do you think that Count Rugen killed your father?

Inigo: I think that he went too far killing him. It takes a petty man to kill someone for insulting them. I am simply glad that I got to kill the six-fingered man and avenge my father.

Fezzik: Yes that is true. He did go much too far.


Interview of Fezzik with Inigo sitting next to him

Fezzik, what in your mind is the worst part of your size?

Fezzik: That I can’t have friends because they are all scared of me. Since I am so much bigger than them they think I will hurt them. That makes me really lonely. But, my size is sometimes exploited by people because I can scare their enemies. This sometimes removes my loneliness but eventually returns because of my size.

Inigo: Yes Fezzik, that is right but I will be your friend.

Fezzik, what do you think of Prince Humperdinck?

Fezzik: I think he is a coward. I think that he sends men to do his dirty work.  I know that he tried to kill his new wife. I know that only a coward would do those things.

Inigo: Fezzik those were some very good points.

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