Cries Left Unheard | Teen Ink

Cries Left Unheard

April 2, 2021
By izzyk537 BRONZE, Cresskill, New Jersey
izzyk537 BRONZE, Cresskill, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The green of life, vibrant flowers, and company is what I give to you. With this, grow  to become nothing like anyone’s seen before. I trust you to take my power and live in bliss for the span you are on this Earth. So long have I waited for a soul to live and appreciate my gift. 

From day one I have watched you struggle to grow. I provided you with berries and fruits, varieties of critters to discover and consume. As you evolved, I was there celebrating every milestone you reached. Quickly, you realized that with my gift you could build  shelter when your fragile frame quivered. I only felt pride in knowing that you, my child was growing at a pace that I had never seen. If I had only seen the foul ink that had stained your heart in black … The stain that grew and grew until I no longer recognized you. But my heart still longed for you to grow, for you to continue exploring. My flaw was when I turned a blind eye to the greed rising inside of you. My feeble heart stubbornly refused to see your  flaws. I’m sorry for failing you and I hope that even with me gone, you will continue to write your story. 

“Mom, come look”, said Anthro as they looked up at the motherly presence of nature herself. 

Vibrant blossoms bloomed beneath her every step as her presence neared her child. 

“Can I eat this?” they asked as their small thin fingers pointed at a green-tinted ruby resting on a tree, but covered with mottled patches. She smiled warmly and rested her hand gently on the fruit. It’s spoils cleared in an instant and it was left glistening like a diamond. Anthro pulled down on the branch and the fruit fell onto the floor with a plop. 

She watched as they waddled off into the distant grove of trees and plopped down to bite down on their findings. 

Every day was a constant trove of discoveries. Anthro grew and grew gaining knowledge of the world. Their mother lingered by their side, congratulating them with every milestone. Never did she once acknowledge the growing stain in their heart. 

“Mom, I need more wood”, they said without peeling their eyes off their work. 

“Of course”, she smiled as she gently placed her hand on the ground. 

Quickly five sprouts shot up. She stood up and walked back to her favorite perch under the only tree that remained standing in the swamp of neverending stumps that stretched as far as her eyes could see. Nevertheless her love for her child never once wavered. 

Centuries passed and the stain in their heart continued to spread like poison. Once the truth was revealed it was too late. 


She dragged her wounded body towards her child which she had only longed to watch over. 

“My lungs are filled with toxins from your poison, my limbs are crushed, and my vibrant color lost”, She croaked begging for them to look at her, “Provide me with some air, replant the grounds separated from its trees, and provide me that last bit of strength for me to remain in my home.” 

They rolled their glazed eyes and sneered, “You inhabited this Earth with life yet you fail to get up on your two feet, pathetic.” 

With that, her painted reality shattered, leaving nothing more than the truth.  The colors morphed to show the bleak reality that snapped that frail strand of hope. 

The sky which once reflected the beauty of the sea and the lush greenery held no more than gray of the building and grounds. Too far was she now gone to be heard. Her wails echoed through the hollow caves where she hid, deep in the core of the earth. 


I look up at the lifeless cave where I lie defenseless. How much longer will I have to suffer? Do I live only to be drowned by the screams of the animals ringing through my ears? I am no more than a mere leaf in the wind wandering aimlessly waiting for my inevitable end. I should hate my child for this twist of fate, so why is my heart aching? Why do I keep trying when the future is quite clear? Why do I still care?

I close my eyes, the screams intensifying. With what little strength I have, I whisper through the songs of the birds and the whoosh of the winds, “Heed my call my child for my presence may not be with you no longer. May you live in your nirvana as I take my rest. Only have I wished to be by your side and watch you grow.”



Oh silly me, I tripped! My knees feel so very warm. I smile and brush my hand against the floor. What was the color again? Green? It isn’t as soft as before. I lift my hand in front of my face and frown, that’s not green, that's red. Oh, how silly. Mom must be pranking me. I snicker and brush off my red-stained knees. I should go find mom. I miss her. 


“Where are you?”

I think something is blinding me. I can’t see anymore. My eyes, they sting. I rub them. I need to go find mom, why is this happening now?

I look around and see bleak, gray buildings surrounding me as far as I can see. How utterly disgusting! Suddenly, my foot runs straight into something! I almost tripped again! I look down and lock eyes with a small, gray creature. It must be taking a nap! I quickly moved aside to prevent myself from waking the small creature. Suddenly, an image flashed before my eyes. Horrendous. Creatures rain down from the sky, their eyes  lifeless. And a pool of red surrounds their frail bodies. 

I look around and nervously chuckle, “But Mom told me this is what I should do, right? Create my own things. I just fulfilled her wishes!” The world starts to swirl in front of my eyes. The world seems so drained, so empty. “I-I did this for mom.”

Look! I created these roads that pave all the ways one can go! Over here I made these tall buildings that provide living space! It would’ve been too dangerous outside! I wanted to prove to my mother that I could build something amazing. I wanted to prove that I could take what she’d created and make it better, more efficient, more convenient!

I just wanted the world to be painted with my work. Maybe I was even jealous of my mother, resentful of all the beauty she had created. How I wish I could take it all back. After all my efforts, centuries of work, I created something so hideous even the winds wail. 

This is your fault. 

Chilled, I look around, “Who's there!”

Everything became this way because of you. 

A horrendous sound rips through my ears,  striking me at my very core. 

My mother’s cry. 

It was my fault. 

I want to see my mother. I just want to see my mother. Desperate, I run. My knees creak, and my lungs plead for air. In the distance, I see a familiar color. The reminiscent color of my mother. Mom! The tree’s few pieces of green hold on for dear life. 

“I’m sorry mom”

“Please come back”

Nothing holds back the tears that flood my eyes. I apologize over and over. I beg for another chance or even a new beginning. I hug the last bit of green bark hoping my message will get through. 


All that remains in my clutch is the stump. 

My vision swims, my lungs gasp for air. 

What have I done? I think as I draw my last breath. 



The author's comments:

This is an allegory I wrote about Climate Change. The mother is Mother Nature and her child Anthro represents the human race.

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