Monster Retsnom | Teen Ink

Monster Retsnom

February 8, 2021
By LittleButler8 BRONZE, Brentwood, California
LittleButler8 BRONZE, Brentwood, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Rumble rumble rumble. I think to myself, “Not again.” At one point during everyone's lives they have a monster under their bed. My monster is called Retsnom. Retsnom has lived under my bed for as long as I can remember. He lives deep down in the darkest corner under my bed in between the Spider Man lego set and the book, “The Giving Tree” with the creepy guy on the back. Random socks and dog toys also live nearby.
Rumble, rumble, rumble. The bed shakes again and I feel goosebumps on my arms. Retsnom is a very special monster. He comes whenever I am feeling anxious or scared. He is one foot tall covered in shaggy gray and brown hair and weighs what feels like a ton when he sits on my chest. He likes to crawl out from under the bed at night to make it feel like I cannot breathe. He keeps me awake thinking of all of the things I have to do, the upcoming tests and the fight that I got into with my brothers.
Retsnom comes only when I am the most scared and anxious because he eats the energy of fear and anxiety. Retsnom will not be bothering me any more because I now know how to control my fear and anxiety. Rumble rumble rumble. Deep breath. No stress. Focus on peace. “Go away Retsnom, I am not scared of you anymore! Go scare someone else!” Suddenly, the room grows still I lay there for a minute wondering if it worked. I slowly pull back the covers and lean over my bed to peer underneath. In between the legos and the creepy book lays a pile of dust bunnies and nothing more. Monster Restnom is no more.

The author's comments:

At one point during everyone's lives they have a monster under their bed. This is my monster.

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