The Girl | Teen Ink

The Girl

February 2, 2021
By Anonymous

Senior year of high school was the hardest year for Juliet, considering she wanted to graduate before she died.

Back in 5th grade her mom and dad ended up getting divorced and her dad moved to Arizona, that meant she hardly ever sees him.

 She always felt as if rain was dripping down on her window seal everyday all day like the sun never came out and the clouds covered the sky. She also felt like her soul was slowly hurting itself. 

During this time, homecoming was within a month and that made her feel lonely, she knew no one was going to ask her which made her feel even worse, up until the last 2 weeks before homecoming a boy she personally knew asked her to go with him. She of course then said yes but told him the truth about her and how she was constantly feeling. He didn't care how sad she was, he actually wanted to help get her through it no matter what happened. Homecoming came up and she noticed she started to get feelings for this boy but thought nothing would ever happen. Little did she know he felt the same way, because of these feelings during the prom dance Juliet couldn't hold anything in, she just couldn't believe she was at her school prom and her date didn't care about the way she was so, she decided to leave. No hesitation, no warning, nothing at all. Off away she was, she didn't even bother to call a taxi to take her home, she walked, alone with nothing and no one around, just crying and sobbing. Juliet was clueless. A couple days go by and Juliet and this boy run into each other. He was just going to ask her if she was okay and why she had left but instead he ended up asking her out, and she just couldn't believe it! Juliet had known how much this boy really liked her, all he wants to do is just help her. Figure out what she is going through and what they are going to do now they are together. 

Just a few months before graduation was her mothers wedding. She had completely forgotten about up until a week before the wedding Juliet and her mom got into a huge argument about her not wanting to go anymore. Her mom just thought she was selfish, and she wanted all of it about her.

¨MOM, stop, I don't want to go because I feel like I'm not wanted,¨ she said.

¨Oh,¨ was all she said. A slight pause happened before she screamed in her face:

¨Stop being so dramatic!¨

Juliet just walked away. 

Juliet never wanted to go to the wedding  in the first place, but her mom eventually talked her into it. Juliet forgot the wedding was in just a few days, she kept repeating the words. The wedding, OH the WEDDING, when is the wedding? 

Soon enough THE day came and in Juliet's head she still never wanted to go. Juliet had the worst breakdown, barely an hour before the thing had actually started, she just could not hold anything in anymore, she had to get all that anger out… She had no clue what she had done, the venue was completely ruined, after looking at the mess she made, she had felt so bad, guilty. The wedding had to go on no matter what, in the end she decided it wasn't so bad after all, after seeing how much this man loved her mother, boom right in Juliet's face she saw  how good this guy was for his mom. Since she felt bad for what she had done to the venue she had sat down with her mom and her new step dad to talk about their relationship between them. She told them how she felt, that she could no longer hold in what she was feeling towards her mom and  after talking about her feelings toward her mom she felt so good, she felt relieved as if she was as light as a dust of clouds. 

Graduation comes in less than a month and school finals were terrible. Juliet was so stressed out. I mean of course she told herself school was not going to be one of the reasons she would be depressed again.  Since she was in the middle of finals she decided to do something good for herself, Juliet decided to get a tutor, Juliet wasnt stupid or anything, all she needed was little help. This wasn't the only thing she wanted to do for herself. The last thing she needed was help, not just for school but for her, the way she felt, she wanted to get everything she had left inside. There was nothing major but yet she just wanted to talk to someone other than her boyfriend or her mom. 

It's now graduation day, and Juliet no longer needed to see her therapist because of how well she's been doing, Juliet and her boyfriend were still together, graduating with the love of their life was one of the best things that happened to her. 

Juliet never thought she'd make it this far considering how depressed and had her suicidal thoughts. 

I'm going to call it a day Juliet said to herself. She was proud of herself.

She is now doing just fine and is living her life to the fullest. 


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