To Much To Handle | Teen Ink

To Much To Handle

January 12, 2021
By Dajah1keely BRONZE, St.louis, Missouri
Dajah1keely BRONZE, St.louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a normal afternoon in 1883 as Clair Bentworth waited on the couch in her living room for her husband Mr. Bentworth to come back from work, but this was no normal afternoon for Mrs. Bentworth. She had a strong gut feeling that something bad was going to happen but she kept that smile on her face. 

As her husband walked through the door she greeted him and took his coat. “Welcome home honey, how was today at work?” 

With an eager look on his face “ehh, like any other day on the job.”  he walked over to his wine stand, grabbed a glass, poured some wine, and stood there with his back turned.

“Honey, what would you like for dinner?” 

“I'm not hungry, we need to talk.” 

Mrs.Bentworth was so confused, wondering why her husband is acting so off. She’s thinking “any other day he would always want my dinner.” but she kept suggesting things to eat. “Okay Honey, we can talk while eating the ham in the freezer.'' She was so confused as to why he was acting the way he is, but she let it be and continued to talk about dinner. “or honey I could cook the leg of lamb in the freezer.” 

Mr.bentworth was sick, sick of her talking about dinner. “Jesus Christ woman, how many times I got to tell you I don’t want that stinking dinner,” he yells. 

Mr. Bentworth had this very angry look on his face, a face Mrs.Bentworth has never seen before. “Listen”, Mr.Bentworth said standing, swirling his red wine in his glass cup. “I dont know how I'm supposed to tell you this.” After this statement Mrs.Bentworth had nothing but confusion on her face, wondering what this man is going to say out his mouth next. “My job, they are sending me to a different station, in a different state.'' At this point Mrs.Bentworth was really confused, not knowing why he was so upset about this. 

“Well honey, that's great.” with a big smile on her face, so excited for the big news. 

“No, you don't understand, I'm going, but I'm not taking you, I want a divorce.” As he pulls the papers out of his pocket. And slaps them on the table behind him where he's standing, looking out the window.

Mrs.Bentworth, so puzzled about what came out of her husband's mouth, is speechless, with a shocked look on her face. “I'm going to go get dinner from the basement now.” She gets up with her eyes wide and walks downstairs to the freezer to get the ham that was covered in a white paper that was half torn through. She picked it up and walked back upstairs to see her husband still looking out the window. She stopped and turned to see the shotgun hanging on the wall by the window and with no hesitation she dropped the ham and picked up the shotgun and pointed it at her husband. with tears running down her face she pulled the trigger. 

Blood everywhere, on the window her husband was just looking out of, on the curtains, all over the living room. Mrs.Bentworth had blood on her face from blowing a hole into her husband's back. She didn't even think twice about it. 

She ran upstairs to wash the blood off and face and change her clothes. She walked back downstairs and put the ham in the oven and left to go to the grocery store, still with her dead husband in the house. 

Mrs.Bentworth made it to the store and grabbed some other food for tonight’s dinner. She made it to the cash register where she was greeted by the man at the register. “good afternoon noon ma'am, would this be all for you?” 

“Yes, this would be all.” Mrs.Bentworth said with an absurd smile on her face. 

“Woah ma'am, with all this food you could feed the dead.” he laughs and Mrs.bentworth's side smirks with guilt written all over her face.

Mrs.bentworth made it back home still to see her husband's body and blood splattered all over. She cried out and calls the police. “911, what is your emergency?” 

“My husband is dead!.” Mrs. Bentworth told the police she went to the grocery store to get stuff for dinner, and when she came back the shotgun was on the floor and her husband was dead. 

The police arrived 10 minutes later with the cleanup crew and took Mrs.Bentworth down to the station for questioning. “Ma'am, how long have you been gone>” 

“Oh only for an hour.” Mrs.Bentworth said, trying to look believable. 

“And ma’am was there anyone with bad judgment towards your husband?” 

“Well, now that I think about it, there were people at his work that weren't so friendly.” The detective continued to question Mrs.Bentworth about her husband but then eventually let her go. 

Now Mrs.Bentworth is in a hotel room with no question in her mind that she gotten away with cold-blooded murder. While the detective and policemen are at her home trying to find evidence to find the killer, they have nothing but the shotgun. Mrs.bentworth alibi was tight and she was checked for her being at the store. 

But while Mrs. Bentworth was sleeping there was a loud knock on the door. “Open up! Police.” Mrs.Bentworth woke up, her heart pounding. 

She opened the door, “hello, officers is there a problem?” 

“Clair Bentworth, you are under arrest for Micheal Bentworths murder, put yout hands behind your back.” 

She cried out “What? I would never, a day in my life hurt my husband.” They took her down to the station where she was greeted by the detective on the case. 

“Hello, Ms.Bentworth. The murder weapon used to kill your husband was lying on the floor, and we found your fingerprints on it. Is there anything you would like to say?” 

Mrs.Bentworth didn't know what to say. She’d been caught now with life in jail for the murder of Micheal.

The author's comments:

this piece idea was given to me.

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