Tim's Revenge | Teen Ink

Tim's Revenge

January 8, 2021
By Jaylen04 BRONZE, St. Louis, Please Select
Jaylen04 BRONZE, St. Louis, Please Select
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Tim was a normal hardworking person like everyone else in the office. He was well liked by everyone that he worked with, but for some reason, Tim’s boss didn’t like him at all. He always had his work done when it was supposed to be done so Tim really didn’t know why he wasn’t liked. So Tim just left the whole thing about his boss not liking him and continued to work until his boss started to spread rumors about Tim. 

He tried to get by the rumors, but they finally got to him so he went to his boss to tell him to stop spreading these rumors about him. The boss looked at him and said he would stop spreading them if he stopped working there. Tim looked at his boss with anger in his eyes and said “no.” Well I’m going to keep spreading the rumors then. And with that Tim left his boss’s office angrier than he went in. Over the next couple of weeks the boss kept spreading rumors over and over causing Tim to finally give up and quit his job.

Having quit his job it gave him time to think about how to get back at his boss for spreading rumors about him and making him quit his job. For the next couple of days Tim planned out what he was going to do to get his boss back. Tim called one of his friends at work and asked “him to start recording how the boss talks about people and give them to Tim, because the boss talks bad about everybody even when they are near.”  The boss didn’t care if you were listening or not, if he didn’t like you or you did something wrong he was talking about you. 

His friend agreed and over the next couple of weeks he did as Tim asked to record his talks with the boss and other people's talks and gave them to him. Tim also began watching his old boss, learning how he moved what ways he took to work and more. Once he knew all that he started to put his plan into play.

With everything he needed to get payback against his boss, Tim headed back to his old job to speak with his boss. Once he got there he was met by the security that aren’t supposed to let him into the building. So Tim fought his way through the guards and went up the elevator. 

Once the elevator got to the right floor Tim, with the stuff in his hands, went straight to his boss’s room. He opened the door and walked in to see his boss waiting for him to arrive. Tim put down his stuff and pulled out the recordings his friend gave to him and started playing them.

The boss' face changed from anger to worry and looked at Tim to say “please don’t let these get out to the public because it will end me.”

 I will admit to what you did to me was cruel and after everything I did to help you and this business. Don’t worry Tim said.  The boss looks at Tim confused and watched as Tim pulled out another recorder that has been recording their entire conversation and all the recordings Tim played. 

Tim stopped recording their conversation and said this to the boss “Now you are going to do all that I tell you to do or this gets leaked to all of the internet and it will ruin you completely. First you will rehire me, second you will step down as boss, third you will appoint me as the new boss and finally you will never speak about this ever again.” I said all that I wanted to say and grabbed all the recording end left his boss's office happy as ever to get his job back.

The next day the boss did exactly what Tim told him to do. He stepped down from being the boss, gave Tim his job back and made him the new boss. Tim went into his office, sat down and fell asleep knowing that he did what he had to do.

The author's comments:

A story about a employee getting revenge on his boss

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