The Firefighter | Teen Ink

The Firefighter

December 18, 2020
By dara918 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
dara918 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Firefighter

He is a firefighter. He was the best in his department from putting out most of the fires in his city. He gets constant rewards for his help because he is always the first to know about fires before any of his crew. He lives in Chicago where fires normally don't start since it's cold but they all just started happening often out of nowhere.

Ashes were in the air as his crew was trying to put this fire out but it was a fail. They had gotten the people out of the building but they weren't able to save the building. This was the first time he failed. He was ashamed of himself and his team. He replayed that day in his head for days and couldn’t understand why the fire wouldn't go out. He was dedicated to his work and wouldn’t suffer another loss, he needed another win. All he cared about was being the best firefighter he could be to his city. He was obsessed with being the best.He adored it so much that he just had to keep doing it. He had to keep starting the fires

A couple days later there was a fire at a complex near the fire department. Everyone was so confused on why these fires kept happening because it is fall, not the summer. It's not like it’s hot all the time and Chicago is a desert, It rains a lot there. So everyone just went along, did their jobs and the firefighter put it out and took most of the glory. All the rest of the crew helped the people out of their apartments while he took the hose and put out the fire. It wasn't a huge fire so he didn't struggle too much. He was kind of a weird person. His crew gets jealous cause they just don’t understand why he always knows and is prepared before everyone.

They decide to follow him one day when they're on break. They go and see where it goes and it's a random apartment building, again. They see him go inside and come out really fast. The crew follows him back to the station and waits for him to do something. He’s just chilling there. Literally in like 10 minutes they get a call saying there's a fire at the building they were just at. That's when the crew realized the “perfect firefighter” was the one starting all the recent fires. But they were too scared to say anything so they never told.

The author's comments:

This is a microfiction piece. I included some irony and made it ambiguous. 

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